In order for François Hollande to keep his promises in the election campaign, a very interesting moment can be experienced in the European Union. There could also be a leadership battle between Germany and France, if it is true that Hollande has growth and that Merkel has austerity. It is not the wisest thing in this harsh crisis to make strong predictions, but so far, as Social Democracy has acted in Greece, Portugal, Spain and other European countries, there is not much room for optimism.
On the other hand, however, all Europeans who have a ray of hope have heard what he has announced during the campaign. Hollande has established two main lines with regard to the EU. On the one hand, there is the European Tax Pact, which is in the process of being approved by the Member States and which, in theory, would come into force in five years’ time, but which is in practice being carried out as an economic activity throughout the EU, drowning the states and generating setbacks.
On the other hand, there is a financial model, Hollande has been very critical of the financial markets and has announced that it will drive reforms. Among other measures, the European Central Bank (ECB) wants the money to be lent directly to the Member States, with little interest and not, as at present, through the banks. It is difficult for this to be done quickly, but it may be easier for the ECB to contribute more seriously to Member States with Eurobonds, and that would be much easier. Or to tax certain financial investments, as it has been demanding for a long time.
The new President of France will be forced to jump over these three great candelas. One is Merkel, but it's not rocket science either. Hollande is not going to be Sarkozy, he is increasingly isolated in the EU and, above all, his coalition government is crumbling, according to the polls and the elections in Germany. The second barrier is that of the markets, which will be discussed shortly. And the third is internal, because in order for the new air that the Left wants to install in France, it has to win the parliamentary elections in June.
It's hard to imagine Hollande facing all of that, because, among other things, it means facing markets, and that's today a life-and-death struggle. It is easier to imagine, with Germany’s surrender, that a number of growth measures will be adopted, but without essentially calling into question the Treaty on European Stability. But who knows, as the results of the Greek elections show, in Europe sparks are dancing and you cannot say which field is going to burn or what not. It is a disease, but its behaviour has aroused a pinch of hope throughout Europe.
A few days ago, the history of flying shoes appeared in the most read journal in SPAIN. One of the first shoes was released by a journalist, George W. Bushi in Baghdad, 2008. The second shoe was launched by a Kurdish citizen in Seville, Recip Tayip Erdogan, by the Turkish leader, in December 2010. Baghdad served nine months in prison and was released, the Kurdish was sentenced to three years in prison and is still in prison in Spain. For the journalist who wrote the news, this is a scandal that has happened to the Kurdish Hokman Joman. And he doesn't lack reason. The following chapter is the umpteenth chapter of “Everything is ETA”.
These are more serious stories than those of flying shoes, stories that have often happened to Basque journalists and citizens. Javier Salutregi, Teresa Toda, Jesús Mari Zalakain, Arnaldo Otegi, Rafa Díez, Miren Zabaleta, Sonia Jacinto… and other dozens of people were condemned by the Spanish National Court for their professional or political activity, accused of belonging to ETA or of fulfilling their orders.
The same is true of the 13 Basques being tried in the D3M and Askatasuna cases, and they are being sentenced to between seven and nine years in prison for attempting to bring the acronyms of the Abertzale left to the elections. Also by order of ETA. Both before and now, PP and UPN politicians are calmly heard to say that they deserve it and it is already there. Those in the PSE are now more careful and say that while ETA was acting it could not be allowed for those who did not condemn it to behave normally in the elections. On requests for punishment, of course justice has to decide, but we also have to take account of the new times.
Now the following is happening: That state violence is clumsy and the only thing that becomes apparent.
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