In the autumn of last year, an attempt by CERN to conclude that neutrinos move faster than light became known in the media around the world. Evidence of his whereabouts had been found. If the news was confirmed, there was a risk that Einstein's theory would become more exciting, as well as the fundamentals of modern physics. In March, however, it has been confirmed that things have recovered, as it has been found that the appliances used in that autumn attempt were not properly adjusted.
We have been assured, through the media, that there has been a measurement error at the basis of what happened. On the contrary, few have told us that a new attempt will soon be made at CERN. Because we have to check whether this is really the case with the “mistakes” hypothesis.
Obviously, the issue has been complicated and many questions have been raised. How did you rate what I measured on the first attempt as definitive? Since when are researchers in such a hurry? Why did some researchers automatically oppose it? Why do all the media now accept the error hypothesis?
At a distance from the subject, a great deal has been made clear. On the one hand, the economic interests are enormous and the CERN researchers were obliged to announce something important, especially after having invested so much money. On the other hand, if something could move faster than light, many physicists wouldn't accept it so easily, because they're not willing to alter the order established in science. Finally, the global media are manipulated at their own will.
The association of power/money/habit is again present. At the time of Galileo, when it was said that the Earth was round, much of that claim was burned. No one is going to be killed today, but some experts may be expelled from the field of research.
I do not know whether there have been any errors in the CERN investigation. I don't know if CERN researchers should have a reputation too quickly, but I know that in the world, now and before, the economic-cultural wheel is not interested in there being something faster than light, because the foundations of physics would change radically, the distances of distant stars should be recalculated, because mastering light technology would not mean mastering the speed limits.
And yet, if it were true that the limit indicated in the Theory of Relativity was exceeded, I would not say that Einstein failed (in some articles, he sought visibility, as has been pointed out). I would say that it is one of the most beautiful examples that can represent the passion of men to go further. Which is the means of keeping dreams.
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