“Normally here in Bilbao it is very rare for customers to speak in Basque.” “In my shop, more and more it does.” “I have the opportunity to speak in Basque at the store twice a day.” “I have the window signs in both languages and so people suspect that inside you can do it in Basque.” They are words of the merchants who work in the center of Bilbao. The two half-days a week go to Indautxu AEK to learn Basque. They're learning, and with a little courage, they're trying to talk in Basque with their clients. For this, the first condition is that customers say the first word in Basque.
“I started a long time ago in Euskaltegi, but because of the working hours I had to leave the classes.” Something similar to what has happened to Jabi Carrillo to many merchants. He works in a hardware store and at noon he has begun to learn Basque. Three years ago, the City of Bilbao began to subsidize specific courses for traders, within the Biribilko programme, which aims to promote trade. Most classes are held at noon in the Basque Country of HABE and AEK. We have been at the AEK in Indautxu, talking to the merchants who are learning Basque.
We have approached Euskaltegi after noon, as at two and a quarter a group of traders began the course of Euskera. Today, four people have gathered. Amaia Chorro is a pharmaceutical company and three years ago he began to participate in Biribilko. Fernando García also works in a mobile phone store. Izaskun Bilbao celebrates her second year and does so in the sports shop. The fourth student is Jabi Carrillo. Arantza Álvarez is in charge of running the course.
They're at ease learning Basque. They say it's just two days a week, but taking into account the time of the shops, that's the ideal time for them.
Customers first word
The four merchants give explanations in Euskera, but ask customers “do you want something?”... no, they still do not dare to address customers in Euskera. In addition, they have explained that customers are the ones who have the first word and that, according to Carrillo, “although you know it, it is very rare for customers to speak in Basque”. Chorro believes the same: “They know we understand it, they will, but they don’t usually struggle.”
To Bilbao, on the other hand, in the sportswear shop there are more and more customers who speak in Basque. He explains that he tries to put all the posters in Euskera in the window: “At Christmas I wrote a poster announcing a special schedule.” Then he brought it to Professor Álvarez to correct it. He believes that with the posters people will see the possibility of speaking in Basque: “That’s why more and more people are speaking to me Basque!” He has confessed that he answers them with a little shame, “and customers take it very happy.” Carrillo also detects the good reception of customers: “If a couple enters and speaks Basque among them, they give the hint; and then I put a bag on you?” Bilbao has stressed that “even if it is done badly, people like it, and encourages us to speak in Basque. We adapt, we combine Euskera and Castilian and the clients thank him very much.”
Despite this, traders have stressed that instead of speaking in Basque, they have little chance of doing so in Basque. Fernando García explained that none of his colleagues used Euskera in their environment and Carrillo calculated: “I have the opportunity to speak in Basque twice a day at the hardware store.” However, he has a loyal client who always speaks to him in Basque: “He comes to make me the keys, always to me, and speaks in Basque. He will be at ease with the service, but I believe that the Basque knowledge also influences”. García, in the field of telephones, explained that if customers complain they never speak in Euskera, because on complicated issues the Basque is not comfortable: “They may be nice,” he says in laughter.
With the children in Basque
Carrillo does not usually practice Euskera in his daily life, but always with his children: “I have been doing them in Basque since they were born, but I saw that they were going to a level, and that’s why I decided that I had to improve the Basque country in the Basque Country.” Garcia also has two children. He comments that he tries to help in the school’s work and that it is not easy: “I usually visit the villages where Basque is usually spoken to see that children are used by other people and that it is not just a matter of school. They are surprised.” Carrillo stressed that “I know that they relate Euskera to school, and that is why I always do so in Euskera”.
Despite everything, traders are optimistic about the future of Euskera. In García’s opinion, although today it is not widely used, “then it will be necessary”. Bilbao also believes the same: “Parents don’t know, but children do, and when they arrive, they will speak in Basque.”
Follow-up to the Biribilko project
At the end of the class, the students have shown concern; they do not know if next year will follow the Basque learning aid program: “We’re a small group and now maybe it’s an evil because of the crisis.” They are eager to follow, and to do so they have underlined the need to inform traders about the project: “Many do not know that at noon there is this possibility, the city council should advertise more.”
Biribilko egitasmoa martxan ipini aurretik Bilboko Udalak merkataritzaren azterketa soziolinguistikoa agindu zion Siadeco aholkularitza enpresari. Ondorioztatu zenez, Bilboko merkatarien %22,9 euskara ulertzeko gai da. Inkesta pasatutako merkatarien %30,5ak euskarazko ikastaroekiko interesa agertu zuen.
Hiru ikasturteotan 469 merkatari hurreratu dira Bilboko euskaltegietara Biribilkon parte hartzera; aurten 112 dabiltza euskara ikasten. Proiektuaren arduradunek nabarmendu dute euskara ikasteko arrazoi nagusi bi dituztela merkatariek. Batetik, interesa dute euskara euren herriko hizkuntza delako, eta bestetik, gero eta gehiagok euskara merkataritza zerbitzua hobetzeko tresna moduan ikusten duelako. Azken finean, gero eta bezero euskaldun gehiago dute Bilboko merkatariek. Euskararen ezagutza asko hazi da azken urteotan: 1996an 50.000 euskaldun bizi ziren eta 2006an 83.000 bilbotarrek aitortu zuten euskaraz ondo berba egiteko gai zirela. Horrez gainera, egunero-egunero Bilboz kanpoko hainbat euskaldunek egiten du bizimodua Bizkaiko hiriburuan.
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