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Kritika eta autokritika

Ezker eraldatzailea –are iraultzailea bada– oinarri-oinarritik da sistemarekiko kritikoa. Eta zeregin horretan nahiko sendo ikusten du bere burua. Alabaina, deserosoa egiten zaio –zaigu–, bere –gure– buruarekiko edo taldearekiko jarduerarekin –auto– kritikoa izatea, batez ere jarduera hori berria denean.

Adibidez, Berriako zutabegile bati honako hauxe harrigarria egin zaio: “lehen [ezker abertzaleak] politika egiteko modu bat oldarkorregia-edo zelako kritikatzen zutenek, orain politika bigunegiak kritikatzea”. Nire ustez, esaldi horrek ez luke inor harritu behar. Izan ere, egoera, berria izateaz gain, hain da konplexua eta zaila (batez ere krisi sistemikoari nola aurre egin eztabaidatzerakoan), ezen harrigarria hausnarketa eta irakurketa kontraesankorrak ez izatea litzatekeen. Kontua da zer eta zer-nolako helbururekin kritikatzen den.

Esate baterako, nik txalotu egin dut –eta aldeko botoa eman ere bai– ezker abertzaleak hartu duen bide berria –eta horrek dakarren iraganeko estrategiari buruzko nolabaiteko autokritika–, nire uste apalean aurrekoa baino askoz zuzenagoa delako. Urteak eman ditut esplikatzen, ETAren existentzia –alferrikako sufrimendua sortzeaz gain– gainditu ezinezko oztopoa zela indarrak metatzeko eta ezker abertzaleak –eta honen aukera alternatiboek– “estrategia konpartituak” lantzeko. Baina antzeko iritzia izan dut instituzioetan lan egitea lehenetsi eta sistema kudeatzera lotu eta mugatu den ezkerrarekiko: EA, EB, ERC, BNG (PSOE jadanik niretzako ez da ezkerra). Izan ere, bi estrategia horiek, bakoitzak bere berezitasunekin eta arazoekin, funtsean, herria eta ekimen herrikoiaren ikuspegi ordezkatzailea konpartitzen dute, eta bigarrenak gainera, sisteman integratzera garamatza.

Egun borroka armatuaren auzia iraganaren gauza da. Instituzioarekiko mendekotasun arazoak berriz –eta boterea konpartitu gabe eraginkorra izatea ezinezkoa dela pentsatzeak dakarren morrontza– gaurkotasun osoa dauka. Iraganarekiko autokritika ondo dago, baina, garrantzi handiagoa du gaur egun praktikatzen dena aztertzeak, eta kritikatu behar bada hala egiteak. Batez ere, oposizio izatetik instituzio esanguratsuak (Gipuzkoako Aldundia eta hiriburua) gobernatzera iritsi denean.

Ezin ahaztu benetako nagusiak edo botere faktikoak kapitalaren jabeak direla eta izugarrizko presioa egiten dietela instituzioei. Eta beharrezkoa izanez gero, Grezian eta Italian bezala, beren esanetara egongo diren gobernuak ezartzen saiatzen dira. Izan ere, Europako estatuak, naziotasunaren aldetik desberdinak izan arren, klase izaeraren aldetik denak dira burgesak, “ezkerra”k gobernatzen dituenak barne.

Horregatik, ezkerrak –nazionalki “independenteak” diren estatuetan ere– guda zelaitzat eta etsaiaren lurraldetzat hartu behar du instituzio burgesen eremua, nahiz eta hor lan egitera behartua izan, eta batzuetan baita gobernatu ere. Bestela, lehenago edo geroago irentsiak izango dira.

Ezkerrak inoiz ezin du goxo egon instituzioetan, aitzitik, dagoena ondo eta modu ondratuan kudeatzen saiatu behar du –batez ere krisi garaietan–. Gobernuan edo oposizioan sistemaren aurka aritu behar du, eta kanpoan, esplotatu eta zapalduen eta ingurumenaren defendatzaileen mugimendu sozialak eta borrokak sustatu (ikuspuntu antikapitalista batetik) eta lan horri lehentasuna eman.

Ez dago “instituzioetan aritzeak sisteman integratzera kondenatzen gaitu” dioen maldizio biblikorik, baldin eta zertarako gauden argi eta garbi badugu. Hortik dator eztabaidaren beharra.

Gaizki esanak barkatu, ondo esanak onartu!

The Nano Automotive plant in Tudela will be closed and 120 workers will be laid off
The management argues that despite “all efforts”, customer demand has been “drastically” reduced. The company’s committee will participate in the mobilisation to defend the industry in Navarre on Sunday.

The alleged left doing (and proud of) migrant raids in the UK: 4,000 detainees in six months
The ruling Labour Party has shown images of arrests and deportations, proudly claiming it has made a “record” this January.

A macho attack is reported in Amurrio
The Amurrio Women’s Network calls for a rally in response to the macho attack on Tuesday at 7 p.m. In Bilbao, Itaia has mobilized on Monday to denounce the sexual assault of a young girl.

Hamas suspends Saturday’s prisoner exchange accusing Israel of violating the ceasefire
The Islamist organization has mentioned among the measures that Israel has violated the continued bombing of Gaza and the situation of the released Palestinian prisoners. Trump has threatened that if he doesn’t make an exchange of prisoners, he will turn Gaza into a “hell.”

Investigation begins after finding a camera in the bathroom of a bar in Mondragón
The investigation has been initiated by the Mondragón Municipal Police after some girls found a small camera in the bathroom of a central bar on Sunday morning.

2025-02-11 | Mikel Aramendi
Tariffs: even in the economic war, scenography cannot replace strategy
Donald Trump takes advantage of his trip to the Super Bowl on the Air Force One to report on the tariffs he is about to implement. In terms of scenography, excellent. The message to the house is “I am calmer than calm; look where we are going... Even Americans can be quiet... [+]

Students organize assemblies and mobilizations against the UPV teacher investigated for spreading "fascist" messages
The students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Vitoria-Gasteiz campus stressed the "need to organize against fascism" and demanded the immediate dismissal of the professor from the UPV.

Lawyer sentenced to six years in prison for helping a prisoner in exchange for drugs
The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Gipuzkoa wants to sentence the head of patrols of the Citizen Protection of Donostia-San Sebastian to six years in prison. The gunman offered benefits in the court process in exchange for cocaine to a man arrested on charges of drug... [+]

The City Council says Deba's library has "limited space" to prohibit children from being present at most hours
Children under 6 years of age can only stay at Deba’s library for an hour a day. The municipal government has argued that "the available space in the library is limited," but it has not clarified why the time restrictions they impose for this limited space only apply to... [+]

'Give them here, give them Basque' will be the slogan used by the Government of Navarre in its campaign to promote Basque
Especially families with children. Because we want the best for our children, giving them Basque would broaden their horizons for the future. "It is an invitation to choose for multilingualism, because giving Basque is a union," said Ana Ollo, Basque counselor.

Searching for the Best Chatbot
In recent years, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact on the situation of minority languages. The main models developed by the technology giants, such as ChatGPT, are trained in the main languages, which entails the risk of leaving aside... [+]

2025-02-11 | Sustatu
If the Met has hacked into Libgen, why not?
The Met (the owner of Facebook) has reportedly hacked Libgen’s network library using BitTorrent protocols. They got at least 81.7 terabytes in this way to power their artificial intelligence systems. In order to get the essay and science in the main international halves for... [+]

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