Through the polygraph, I have been questioned about the last article of my two ttakunkides, Save me a bit in Beñat and a Uxue Ballpoint, relating both in my new ttakun. The coup d'état will not bring me the Thought Argia Prize, but well, before I unblock the second rescue plan, I have to show that I too am going to apply trimming measures, that is, in favour of an austerity plan that will reduce my imagination. Polygraph or lie detector is a device that records changes in certain physiological parameters of the person. The real reality has died, the era of the polygraph has been born. Depending on the sweat that the subject of the polygraph sounds, the movements he performs to breathe, the heartbeat and the blood pressure, it is decided whether this person is telling a lie or truth. A few years ago, there was great competition in the use of polygraph on different television channels, but Tele5 has once again increased the use of this machine to know whether the “famous” responses are true or false. It doesn't seem very normal to invent and tell lies on television shows where it's business to put in a lie detector, but the diversion booth has no door. Do you want to separate the truth from the lie? No, no! It would be stupid to work so hard. Most television shows live in lies, don't hesitate, so put the lie detector in and serve the lie, that's what they do. The lie, with all this polygraph infrastructure, acquires the appearance of an immense authenticity. What is the Spanish Government doing, in the name of the labour reform it has approved, calling for the creation of new jobs in the short term? Politicians tell us that they are doing politics on behalf of the people, but the business of those blackmaketeers who have multiplied a great deal in Europe is the sale of the most harmful narcotic: the lie minced with polygraph. Because the minced lie with a polygraph dissipates with all the rewards of the label of truth and without the need for great explanations. It's useless to resist. If you want to not believe it, it doesn't matter either. This doesn't change at all the influence of the narcotic while the world sleeps. In the United States, the polygraph is widely used, even to measure the truthfulness of the words of the candidates for a job, it is also used by psychologists and psychiatrists in their investigations, and the European Commission has purchased all the polygraphs that were on the black market to say that labour reform is heading in the right direction without much work. Polygraph drug trafficking works with the complicity of European governments. The bankers of European governments have made themselves available to the polled polymers and have accepted the blackmail and the truth of the polygraph that they teach us to entertain us with the crisis. A vice. And of course, with all their monsters, polygraphs have faced the truths of the weakest or weakest truths. Buyers of luxury lies have no trouble financing the truth and that keeps the market going. In the worst economic situation, because the cheapest thing is to be rich. Polygraph buffs know perfectly well that belief in truth has more work than falsehood. They have no need or need to make up reality, to invent another and suffice.
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