“The will of the student, for example. There was a time when the desire to speak in Basque was more noticeable. It is now the title that is most mentioned. However, there are few people who work exclusively for the title. In general, it is Euskaltzale that learns Euskera in the Rioja Alavesa. It is true that, fifteen years ago, an exit to the mountain was proposed and eighty people were registered, and now five, including two teachers. Nowadays Euskaldunity is living in a different way, but I would say that we have Basque students: parents who have or are going to have children in the ikastolas; people who are on the way of working in Osakidetza, Diputación, Child Care, etc. ; students linked to teaching, mainly those who are learning, and others, retirees who have always wanted to learn Basque, young rockers who want to understand Basque songs, a learned little and forgotten…
I don't want my daughter disguising herself as a Gypsy in the caldereros. I don’t want Gypsy children at my daughter’s school to dress up as Gypsies in caldereros. Because being a gypsy is not a disguise. Because being a gypsy is not a party that takes place once a year, with... [+]
Zerbait egin beharra izan liteke aurtengo Argia Sarietan garaikurra jaso berri dutenen oinarria. Zapalkuntzaren, bazterkeriaren, ahanzturaren aurrean antolatzearen erabakia hartu izana. Edo ilunetik argia ateratzea, zirrikituak bilatzea eta komunitateari eskaintzea. Balio... [+]
The road goes by steps, and I learned a little while ago that it seems to have already begun. But people also want to learn to fill that sentence with content. Alone we could achieve little, maybe even resignation as soon as we started. Gathering huge crowds can also complicate... [+]