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Koblakarien lan nekeza

  • Martin Larralde :: Batzuen artean.

    Bonberenea Ekintzak.

    Iraupena: 33’24’’
    10 euro.

Eneko Barberena eta Mikel Oceja Arrasateko bi ipurterre dira. Barberenak hausnarketa, poesia eta prosa batzen dituen liburuxka (hirugarrena dagoeneko) idatzi, Ocejak janzten lagundu eta beste lagun baten erruz liburu-diskoa egiteko lanean jarri ziren, Bonberenea Ekintzak-en laguntzarekin. Hala, ia hiru urte hartu dituen epean 11 musika taldek testuetako batzuk musikatu dituzte askatasun osoz. Horien artean, bada bertsorik (Jokin Labayen eta Manex Agirre), folk iluna (3 Zikinak), gaurkotuagoa (Ain_1), countryra hurbilketa (Bihotz Bakartien Kluba), errezitatuak (Xabi Strubell), hip-hop eta crossoverra (F-21, Basske), baita Goseren eta Pirritx eta Porrotxen ekarpenak ere, Bonberenea Txarangarekin bat eginik. Arrasaten eta Bonberenean bakarrik erosi daiteke, baina sarean eskuragarri jarri dute emakumetu edo gizondu ez diren ume guztientzat.
Eneko Barberena - Martin Larralde
"Azkenean luzaroan irauten dutenak liburuak, filmak, diskoak eta kantak dira"

Zer dute talde hauek guztiek komunean?

Guztiak direla nire gustukoak. Guztiak daude Arrasaterekin edo Bonberenearekin lotuta, eta batzuk bidean ezagutu ditut. Bertsoak, folka, elektronika eta abar dago, baina Txapek lan handia egin du eta ondo batu ditu kantak. Norbaitek esan dit rock gutxi dagoela, baina niretzat hori naturala da. Gainera, rocka egiten dutenek ere proiektu honetan bestelako soinuak landu dituzte beraien borondatez.

Martin Larralde bezalako koblakariak, ahotsak eta testigantzak falta dira Alzheimer, herri kazetaritza sentsazionalista eta zentsura garai hauetan?

Horren guztiaren aurrean Internet bada aukera bat espresatzeko, baina gure begi bistatik informazio gehiegi igarotzen da eta benetan oso gutxi da irauten duena. Azkenean luzaroan irauten duena liburuak, filmak, diskoak eta kantak dira.

Bi egileok 80ko hamarkadako punkaren zaleak ez izan arren, Josu Eskorbuto aukeratu duzue azalerako…

Neurri batean txantxa da, ez dagoelako Euskal Herrian Larralderen figura baino kontrajarriagoa denik: bata, euskalduna, nekazal girokoa… bestea, erdalduna, giro industrialekoa… Baina, bestalde, Josuren kantetan ederto jasotzen da bere garaia nolakoa zen, bere bizimodua eta pentsaera.

Proiektu hau gauzatzeak ausartago egin zaituzte?

Agian ausartagoak bai, hau irten ez balitz oso zaila litzatekeelako idazten jarraitzea.

Zer izan da zailena?

Gauza askotan ezezagutza handia genuela eta bidean ikasi behar izan dugula. Baina ikasi dugu autoekoizpena zer den, jende asko ezagutu dugu…

Musikariak koblakari aproposak dira? Gustuko dituzu gaur egungo musika taldeen hitzak eta jarrera?

Bai. Mezulari aproposak daude, hitz mamitsuak dituztenak eta pentsarazteko gaiak ematen dizkidatenak. Arrasaten bertan urrunago joan gabe, Anger, Gose, Never Surrender eta Ain_1 aipa ditzaket.

A. A. A.
That Aznar helped Aitor Esteban?
Aitor Esteban will be the next president of the EBB of the EAJ and the EAJ will thus sell that, with the renewed leadership, the new leadership is ready to continue the process of renewal of the party.

Aggression against the linguistic requirements of the local police in Donostia, Astigarraga and Usurbil
The City Council of Donostia-San Sebastián appealed in September 2024 because in January of the same year the judges annulled the B2 language requirement of both municipal police officers. The Supreme Court of the Basque Country will not even refer the appeal to the court... [+]

Ikama denounces the professor of the Alava Campus of the UPV/EHU who disseminates "fascist messages"
Ikama, a professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Vitoria-Gasteiz, has denounced the dissemination of “fascist messages” on social networks. Last September, the UPV expelled a professor from the Leioa Campus for his messages on... [+]

230 musicians express their support for Raimundo el Canastro and claim that it is legitimate to criticize power through music
Among the signatories are Belako, Chill Mafia, Eñaut Elorrieta, Fermin Muguruza, Ibil Bedi, J Martina, ØDEI, Olaia Inziarte, Nøgen and Tatxers. A list of 237 musicians has been published.

The Shadow Vagina
Here the lie reigns

Vagina Shadow(iko)
Group: The Mud Flowers.
The actors: Araitz Katarain, Janire Arrizabalaga and Izaro Bilbao.
Directed by: by Iraitz Lizarraga.
When: February 2nd.
In which: In the Usurbil Fire Room.

Verse to... [+]

Fascist Attacks in Lower Bidasoa and Devenir Europeo
Fascist, xenophobic or homophobic attacks are also on the rise in the Basque Country, and concern has spread here and there. The Bajo Bidasoa belongs to the areas affected by these attacks, where, specifically, most of the attacks and/or actions are carried out by the group... [+]

The University of Los Angeles makes available videos of the unpublished war of 36
Images of San Sebastián and other municipalities of Gipuzkoa can be seen on the university website.

2025-02-07 | Aiaraldea
The Municipal Government of Amurrio has been surrendered the attachments of 1,700 citizens and agents in favor of the restoration of the subsidy of the Media Ayaraldea
Several media workers and partners attended the plenary of the City of Amurrio a week ago to denounce the elimination of the subsidy for the second year. The mayor, Txerra Molinuevo, gave no answer.

Presentation of the legislative proposal for the removal of elements with fascist symbology from the Monument to the Fallen and the creation of the interpretation center
The PSN, EH Meetup and Future Yes presented today with the signature of the parliamentary groups and will have the support to be approved.

2025-02-07 | Gedar
The attacking teacher of the Eunate school in Borrería gets the students to leave
According to the IA of Pamplona, this teacher sexualized students and justified the violations. Last Friday they held a sit-in and had a collection of signatures in action to dismiss the teacher.

2025-02-07 |
Two men report homophobic attack in Bilbao
A group of four or five people were beaten as well as made homophobic insults.

2025-02-07 | Euskal Irratiak
by Ximun Fuchs
"Because the Basque offenses are so insulting that we are not emotional cripples"
The company Le Tampographe Sardon has for sale the stamp box of 24 lashes. It is available online. It is the actress Ximun Fuchs who has made the selection work, since insults are a "work tool" for her.

Some tools for mental health care in activism
Some activists have compiled the impatience of activists and created a guide to address them collectively. They have worked on issues such as stress, fear, frustration and fatigue.

Eguneraketa berriak daude