The Basque aeronautical sector, which concentrates mainly on the CAPV, is flying back and surpassing the scale, and a good future is expected until 2015. That is what the major players in the sector have said. As they have indicated, they have left the stop behind in 2010 despite the fact that the distress caused by the crisis has still been felt. In 2010, the first symptoms of recovery appeared, which accelerated in 2011. The “core phase of dynamism” is expected to be achieved by 2015. This belief is supported by the billing of the last financial year and by the strengthening of exports. The Basque aeronautical sector consists of 37 member associations of the Cluster of Aeronautics and Space Hegan. Nine companies from this cluster participated last November in Germany at the Airtec International Fair 2011.
Billing grew by 12%
In 2011, the 37 associations of the Basque aeronautical cluster billed around EUR 1.5 billion, 12% more than in the previous year. Thus, in 2008 the sales record was exceeded (EUR 1.229 million). In the words of those responsible for Hegan “we can say that, after the one-off interruptions, we have resumed the path of growth, we have predicted growth in 2012 that could be around 6% in the period 2012-2015.”
Billing has also influenced employment, a problem that has increased by 10% in the number of partners. The figure is expected to continue to grow in the coming years even if it does not increase at the same level of sales as in the same period. Regarding the activity of the CAV plants, billing grew by 4% in 2010, reaching 633 million euros. These plants employed 3,738 workers in 2010, 14 fewer than the previous year.
Germany, the main market
This sector is clearly an exporter. Thus, companies in the cluster exported 782 million euros in 2010, which accounted for more than 62% of total sales. This means that exports grew by 5% compared to the previous year. In particular, Germany is the main market, with 29% of exports, EUR 225 million, 15% more than the previous year. The second and third markets are Brazil and the United Kingdom, but in them growth is more moderate.
By area of activity, 49.8% of the sector's sales corresponded to aerostructures and 40.6% to engines. The range of systems and equipment reached 7% of billing, 14% more than the previous year. On the other hand, space accounted for 2.7% of sales.
Can there be a merger in the sector? The leaders of Hegan have not given a concrete answer to the proposal, but in a globalised world they talk about the need for size. A sectoral study has recommended the merger of several Spanish aeronautical companies, including Aernnova. Hegan’s managers have described size as “important”, as R & D investments are very high and recovery times are “very long”. Considering that the market is global, possible mergers should not be ruled out. For the time being, however, it does not appear that a specific decision has been taken on this matter.
Heganek, euskal clusterraren bederatzi kiderekin batera, sektore aeroespazialeko hornitzaileentzako Airtec 2011 Nazioarteko Azokan parte hartu zuen, 2011ko azaroaren 2tik 4ra, aeronautika eta espazio hornidura katean duen tokia, nagusiki Europa ekialdeko merkatuetan, sendotzeko. Frankfurteko (Alemania) nazioarteko azoka honek euskal enpresek espazio eta aeronautika proiektu berriak, ekoizpen baliabide berritzaileak, saio eskaintza espezializatua eta sektoreko erronka teknologikoei erantzuteko ahalmena erakusteko balio izan du. Heganekin batera, euskal enpresa huek parte hartu zuten nazioarteko azokan: Aerometalic (Aernnova taldea), Aciturri, Alfa, CTA, Ingemat, Tecnalia, WEC, Sener, Novalti, Reductia (Aratz eta Burdinberri enpresa arabarrak haren parte dira) eta Innovalia.
2011ko edizioa lau esparrutan egituratu dute: helikopteroak, espaziorako merkataritza aplikazioak, compositeak eta UAS (Gidaririk gabeko Aire Ibilgailuak). Euskal clusterraren arabera, sektore horretan eskaera bikoiztu egin daiteke datozen hamar urteetan. Airtecen seigarren deialdiaren berrikuntzetako bat Comac korporazio txinatarraren parte-hartzea izan zen, Airbus eta Boeing enpresekin batera. Txinako taldeak munduko hirugarren hegazkin fabrikatzailea izatea du xede, aipatutako bi talde erraldoien atzetik. Adierazgarria da azoka hau Alemanian egin izana, 2009tik herrialde hori izan baita Heganeko kideen salmenten helmuga nagusia.
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