Dantzan puntu com, dantzaannnn, ennez bukatuta”. How many times we have had to repeat this amendment in the last ten years. When we named it, we thought that the “dantzan.com” ended in ‘n’ was stronger, and we also had no choice, as the Castejón janitor who sold the asparagus “dantza.com” without ‘n’, the peppers and the artichokes had already taken it.
Ten years ago I received an invitation from Argia dantzan.com to write an article about the initiative. The Chicken dance, that is, the Chicken dance, was the title of this article. When we managed to confine Mary Jesus and her accordion and little birds in Benidorm, they became fashionable at the weddings of the Basques of America and, in addition, the belief was that it was a dance of Basque origin. Lisa Corcostegui explained that the Chicken dance was created by the Swiss Thomas Werner in the 1970s and that since then it had spread throughout the world with names such as The Duck Dance or La Danse des Canards. The journal Dantzagunea was in charge of publicizing these explanations in English. In view of that, we thought we had to do something similar for those who don't know English. So I was born dantzan.com, and so I started writing these articles for Argia.
“It has been created to channel the exchange of information from the Basque dantzaris community dantzan.com, a space for dancers and Basque dance lovers,” I wrote after explaining the chicken ones. We started with the help of the Gipuzkoa Foral Council and the technological leadership of the company CodeSyntax. Along the way we have been joined by dantzaris and dantzaris, associations, groups and individuals, and we have also received the help of the Basque Government, and the real community that breathes dance around the virtual space has been strengthened.
At the time of celebrating the tenth anniversary, we touched the bells of funerals. We have had to close by reducing reductions in subsidies and other revenue dantzan.com. In addition to the chicken dance, we have talked about the hibernation of the bear dantzan.com. We have known that in winter the bear hides in the cave and sleeps deep, still, dead. After the candle, it wakes up to the odor of the carnivals and returns with renewed forces. That's what we dream about. We'd like the bear to sleep in winter, to join forces and wake up for spring. But how do we know if we will wake up after a long winter, when we go to sleep? We dream about the dance of the bear; let's see if we don't stay with the wet hen.
Larunbatean pertsona talde batek Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistako kide bati eraso egin ziola salatu dute. Azaldu dutenez, "faxistei aurre" egin zien propaganda jartzen ari zirela, eta piperbeltz espraiarekin zipriztindu zuten.
Haurdunaldian diren emazte bakartuentzat, harrera-leku bat proposatuko du La Maison des Sept Vallées elkarteak Donibane Lohizunen. Pariseko bikote jabe pribatu baten gogoan sortu zen xedea. Donibane Lohizunen, 2021ean Iturria izeneko etxea erosi eta, bazter bastizetan... [+]