The 58 nuclear power stations in the French State have to implement new safety measures if they are kept open. The Nuclear Safety Organisation (ASN) has listed the measures to be implemented and has given EDF, the company operating the plants, a deadline until 31 January to implement the planning and budget for their implementation.
On the one hand, a bunker should be built in each of the plants to protect against floods, earthquakes and radioactivity. In each bunker there will be a fast response diesel generator, costing more than EUR 10 million, and a workload for a hundred people.
On the other hand, swimming pools that protect fuel and cooling circuits must be improved, i.e. in the worst case scenario, investments must be made to ensure that refrigeration circuits do not fail.
Finally, the characteristics of groundwater and seismological levels of land will be reviewed.
According to the NSA, plants which do not comply with the above requirements will be closed. As far as I am aware, there is no such scheme in Garoña (Spain), and if it were to be considered, would the investment to be made be profitable?