There are 190,831 unemployed people in Hego Euskal Herria, those data I read the day I write these lines. And yes, one remembers that two years ago there was talk among friends that there was still not much to be noticed around us; remember that last year the ghost of unemployment came to our children's school and touched familiar parents; and apart from the reflections, now I see that the ghost has approached the house, has even left, but has approached: “We have far exceeded the 2011 one.” What about 2012?
It is a question of thousands of citizens, and those of us who work in the Basque media also have the same question marks. A few years ago we would have to say “non-public media in Basque”, but today it is not. The desire of our sector to equip EiTB workers in wages, now and here, attests to the fear of many of us in 2012.
The reduction in subsidies from the Basque Government will be very strong next year: 15%, 12%, 8% for the Basque media... it seems that the cuts will be around those figures. And the most important subsidies of the media in Basque are those of the Basque Government. For those who have always been in dire straits, it can be deadly for those who have been in a critical situation in recent years.
We in the sector have met with the politicians and leaders of Basque society, at the beginning of the year we decided that in the group we would adapt better than alone, and we have worked on it throughout the year. We have not received any of the requests, nor have we maintained the subsidies last year. Media support has also been budgeted for in the Gipuzkoa Parliament on the major cut of two years ago (23% in general and 63% less, e.g. Argia). Only one, the deputies in Bizkaia, has risen.
BUT HAPPY we, those who grazed in the pastures of Lakua, who in 2012 will have nothing to eat in the pastures of Navarra. For the time being, the amounts of media aid in Euskera have been removed from the 2012 budget bill. And this year too ... The fact is that in the 2011 grants the Government of Navarra awarded EUR 160,000 to the media in Basque. They were given EUR 80,000 in June and have now been announced that they will not be allocated 35% of the half they lack. And it's very likely that we won't be separated from the missing half. It is the culmination of impunity.
Until now, UPN-PSN are decisions of the government, as we will see what happens when passing through the Basque Parliament, but no great surprises can be expected. And the question is what needs to be done to reach out to the serious situation of the media in Basque in Navarre. What we have to ask the CAPV institutions, the citizens, the other media, what ... And the lockdown comes.
And someone misses that the High-Speed Train project has not been delayed for four years, as the current economic situation may make it impossible to start such a project. And because those fortunes of the cement culture could serve, for example, to boost the media in Euskera, to help finance small businesses, or to help banks rent those who throw them out of their homes, to extend unemployment benefits, to feed some... These and many other things could be done with the EUR 10 billion that will be spent on TAV projects on Basque land. EUR 10 billion.
Punto Bobo liburuaren irakurketan murgilduta, Itxaso Martin Zapirain egilearen Eromena, Azpimemoria eta Isiltasunak Idazten ikerketa lanean sentitu nuen egiazkotasun eta maila etikoarekin egin dut berriz ere topo. Eta hortaz, hara bueltatu. “Oihu izateko jaio zen isiltasun... [+]
Dirudienez, Euskal Herrian migrazioa arazo bilakatu da azken bi hamarkadetan. Atzerritarrez josi omen dira gure lurrak. Gure kultura arriskuan omen dago fenomeno “berri” horren ondorio. Lapurretak, bortxaketak, liskarrak… Bizikidetza arazo horiek guztiak... [+]
Azken hamarkadetan euskararen biziberritzeak duen erronka handienetakoa, euskararen ezagutzaren unibertsalizazioarekin batera, erabilerarena da. Askotan, gazteen euskararen erabileran jarri ohi dugu fokua, baita euskararen erabilerak izan duen eta izan dezakeen bilakaeraren... [+]
Prentsaurrekoan, maiatzaren 17an ospatuko duten Erriberako Euskararen Egunaren inguruko argibideak eman dituzte. Ume, gazte zein helduentzat zuzendua izango da. Ekimena, Erriberan egiten diren ekimenetan indarrak biltzeko eta euskararen normalizazioaren alde saretzeko... [+]
Independentziaren aldeko ekimenak aurrera eramateko baliabide faltagatik "itzaliko" da. Aurretik, Euskal Herri osoko 101 udaletan independentzia mozioak erregistratuko dituztela iragarri dute, euskal errepublikaren aldeko prozesuan urratsak egiteko. Baliabide faltaz... [+]
Joan den astean, Hezkuntza Sailarekin hainbat aldiz bildu dira hezkuntzako sindikatuak irakasleen lan baldintzak negoziatzeko. Akordio batetik “urrun” daudela adierazi dute eta martxoko eta apirileko bost greba egunetarako deialdia egin diete irakasleei. Lehenengoa... [+]
Euskal Herri osoan zehar daude mehatxupean hamaika baso, zelai, mendi zein nekazal lur. Horien defentsan diharduten tokian tokiko plataforma asko bildu dira larunbatean Gasteizen, EH Bizirik-ek deituta, inguru naturalaren “suntsiketaren” eta makroproiektuen... [+]
"Poloniar bat etortzen bada eta bost urte pasako baditu proiektu batean, joder agian ez zaio egoki irudituko seme-alabek euskaraz ikastea, ezta?", bankuko lehendakari Anton Arriolak adierazi duenez. Euskalgintzako eragileek gogor kritikatu dute eta esandakoa... [+]
Kirola eta aldarrikapena uztartuz, maiatzaren 24an Bilbo gazteria independentistaz beteko da. Lasterketa honen bitartez, Euskal Herriaren askatasunaren aldeko balioei lekua egin nahi diote gazteek, independentziarako bidean daudela erakutsiz.
Gaur buruko minez iritsi naiz etxera. Ostiral iluntze hotz bat da; ez du euririk ari, baina haizeak bota ditu lurrera bi kontainer eta korapilatu dit ilea. 23:39 dio telefonoak. Lagunekin afaldu dut gure ostiraleroko tabernan. Barre asko-asko egin dugu, eta bihotza bete-beteta... [+]
Asteartean menia apurtu zuenetik gutxienez 650 palestinar hil dituzte sionistek, Al Jazeeraren arabera. Netanyhauren gobernuak Shin Bet zerbitzu sekretuetako buru Ronen Bar kaleratzeko erabakia hartu du, baina Auzitegi Gorenak kaleratzea geldiarazi du.
Trintxerpen hasi eta Donostian bukatu da hainbat kolektibok deitutako XXVIII. Arrazakeriaren Kontrako Martxa.
Milaka pertsona bildu dira larunbat honetan Palestinako herriari elkartasuna adierazteko eta “Israelek Gazan egindako genozidioa” amaitzeko eta Benjamin Netanyahuren gobernuak su-etenari berriro ekiteko eskatzeko. Gernika-Palestina herri ekimenak deitu du martxa,... [+]