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Does anyone need Spanish expressions?

  • In press conferences, the Basque language is often a marginal language. This worries and annoys several journalists who have a working tool in Euskera. On the contrary, there are associations and institutions that are afraid to act in Euskera before the press, for fear that the message will not spread properly.
Prentsaurrekoak hasi eta buka euskaraz ematea arraroa da oraindik. 
Martin Garitano Gipuzkoako ahaldun nagusiak (argazkian) uda aurretik euskaraz egin zuen agerraldian hainbat kazetari aztoratu zen.
Prentsaurrekoak hasi eta buka euskaraz ematea arraroa da oraindik. Martin Garitano Gipuzkoako ahaldun nagusiak (argazkian) uda aurretik euskaraz egin zuen agerraldian hainbat kazetari aztoratu zen. Andoni Canellada / Argzaki Press

The press conferences, in Basque, issued before the summer by the Deputy General of Gipuzkoa, Martin Garitano, and the Mayor of Andoain, Ana Carrere, sparked the controversy. Some newspapers had denounced the imposition. The monolingualism of some journalists working in Gipuzkoa was also noted.

In any case, in the press conferences held in Euskera, the phrases “I will speak in Spanish so that we all understand ourselves” and “in Spanish I also have to say” are heard over and over again. The Basque Radio journalist Goizalde Landabaso has listened to the radios of the two journalists for years. For ten years he worked in Bizkaia Irratia and the Basque Country Irratia. Landabaso says that the Basques take on the problems of others as our responsibility. Euskera makes the declarations in Euskera and does the translation without anyone asking, “but that is not the way. It’s not my problem that others don’t understand.” Sometimes it is offensive to ask if someone needs an expression in Spanish. “If you have given the press conference in Basque and someone needs Spanish-language statements, you can ask for a voice.” In general, Euskaldunes have to ask for statements in Euskera.

In fact, the usual thing is for the press conference to be in Spanish. The Basque, according to the journalist of the Basque Country Irratia Iñaki Guridi. “Some words are made in Basque, which sometimes read them in any way, and then the real essence, which we call ‘kortea’, is in Spanish in a very high percentage.” The Basque language often becomes a language prior to Spanish, as it is politically correct to give the good days, thanks and welcome in Basque.

That is what Castilian and Basque politicians do. Even if it is Euskaldun, when you have to give a “serious” press conference or talk about a serious issue, for example money, it is usual that it is only done in Spanish.

And there are those who think that the message will come easier and faster if it's done in Spanish. In the opinion of Landabaso, “even if you speak in Basque, it will come if it is really important. They will subtitle or they will see what they do.” He believes it is time to make statements in Basque. Translations will be required, but in Spanish the media will listen to Basque and “it will be little. They will also have to make ears.”

The opposite attitude of Castilian speakers is changing

Without being a journalist, so do other actors in the world of communication. Joseba Kamio, of the company Harman Komunikazioa, for example, has published in his blog a model proposal to establish a concrete language policy in corporate communication. This is a valid proposal for companies, organisations and associations to be able to take a step forward in linguistic standardisation and which, in their view, does not create problems with regard to the effectiveness of communication. In what language do press conferences take place? And press releases? What about press calls? And the conversations? What about websites and social networks? Merchandising? In Kamio and on social networks, each language has its own channel.

Making press conferences in Basque requires journalists to be bilingual and often not. In the opinion of Goizalde Landabaso, many media leaders in Spanish do not think or think that a bilingual journalist is needed. It is appalling to him that in the twenty-first century many young journalists who go to press conferences are monolingual. “Ruper [Ordorika] has released his latest album and I’m sure many media outlets have sent a Spanish-language journalist.” Knowledge of the Basque language and culture is often a vacuum.

There is no lack of bilingual professionals, many people come out of the Schools of Journalism every year and, according to Kamio, in the media that can a priori be more difficult – due to the attitude towards the Basque Country and the way in which the themes are dealt with in Basque – changes are taking place. In his opinion, these media have changed the attitude towards the Basque country and now they deal with issues that were not addressed before. Just as journalists have faced other challenges, he believes that they will now also have to adapt their professional work to the new situation, as “journalism has an important social responsibility”.

Need to raise awareness

Indeed, Joseba Kamio has considered that changes have to be addressed honestly, as a collective challenge, and not as such. Duly justified socio-linguistic and communicative, justified from the point of view of linguistic normalisation, without any competence and without reproach. And to start with, taking us seriously. “If we don’t take ourselves seriously, others won’t take us seriously either.” He says that this is a further step towards linguistic normalization and that for this “neither associations nor public institutions should have problems”. Despite the uncertainties, fears and disorientation generated by this topic, Kamio believes that if institutions and associations make an internal regulation, it is mechanized and that from there everything is easier. It is a question of agreeing and implementing the rules. According to the association and the institution, there would be degrees and the Basque country would have a greater or lesser place.

Those who are not Euskaldunes have changed a great deal of attitude for years, but Iñaki Guridi continues to regret the lack of awareness that is taking place in society. Goizalde Landabaso believes that they attach more importance, for example, to spoken English. In addition, many press officials do not take into account that at least one Basque should be at the table, “to give a quality cut in Basque”. In the questions and answers section, Euskaldunes journalists are the ones who most casually speak and among their colleagues by profession, although it has greatly improved, some begin to feel uncomfortable asking the third question in Euskera. Or when the one who gives the press conference begins to speak in Basque whispering.

Basque journalists are still militants of the language and to get the court they have to do magic: the only Basque interviewee who knows the least about the subject is he, the courteous to the interviewee writes it himself... Often, it must also be made clear that if there are no Basques, there will be no big news. However, there are also good surprises, in the least expected place are the Basques.

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