I can occupy any space and call it a naked stage. A man walks through that empty space while another looks at him, and this is all it takes to do a theatrical action. But when we talk about theater, we don’t mean it exactly.” With these words begins Peter Brook his famous work The Pure Space. Of course, this is only the beginning, from there he develops a nice theater lesson. But now, let's stick to that concern, which is, what are we talking about when we talk about theater? Let's start with simplicity, with a theater void, as a theater for the Intxixu theater group, written by Xabier Lete and Eugenio Arozena, in which they began to be annihilated. In this work, a journey takes place from the caves to the present man, accompanying different theatrical representations.
Brooke's simple theatrical action can be related to those cave times, when it was enough for them to express their concerns and reflections about the human being and the world with this indifference. However, with the development of history, the theater was developed. It filled that empty space. The stage was covered with a building. The theater became a sleek building. And at the same time, that man on the stage lost importance in favor of the container. Going to the theater became going to a space. To a space full, full of things: “We tend to say that film kills the theater, and with that phrase we are talking about the theater in which the film was born. Theatre with window, with lounge, for the spectator to pass without obstacles between rows, theater with folding armchairs, candillas, decorative changes, spaces of acts, music, by definition theater as if it were something else”.
A few years ago the English writer published this well-known work. Sapphire Arozena has been proposing a scenic trip for years to get out of nowhere. At a time when the crisis budgets are being drawn up, a vacuum journey is also being made. Theater is becoming an empty stage. The buildings are there, with their windows, their folding armchairs, their fabrics and their decorations, but if you put yourself in the center of the plate, you won't hear the passing of a man passing through the board. Not even the Xelemon theater game. You will see the naked theater, as the actors are on the street, representing something empty outside the building.
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