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Tempo to preach

  • Sumision City Blues:: Sumision City Blues Self-production Duration: 16´43´´´´ 5€
The Obligations group of Vitoria-Gasteiz interrupted its trajectory with the greatest recognition and two of its members, Iñaki and Anti, joined two other experienced vitorian foxes, Peniker and David. They were joined by Joseba of Sexty Sexers, who had landed in the city, and they decided to make a new project, freer. The styles of each of them had been squeezed and they wanted to do something more open. Thus, the blues, the Australian groups, the pride and the words recited have achieved a result that adds up a lot, and is able to unite the urban rock, the funky and many other trends. Great musicians in another different tempo and the convincing frontman “Pela” representing apocalyptic-humanitarian Spanish texts of great imagination. Almost at the same time they have published a EP with many songs and a CD.
Iñaki Urbizu 'Pela'
"Inork ez du LP oso bat entzuteko astirik"

Punk-rockaz nekatuta? Zer da zuentzat?

Punk-rockak oraindik ere liluratzen gaitu, handik gatozelako eta hori garelako. Punka bizitza jarrera gisa ikusten dugu, baina talde batek gogor jo edo asko oihukatu arren, ez digu berez zirrara sortzen. Punk-rockak musikari luzaroan ez dio ezer interesgarririk eman; bizirik dago baina uneoro errepikatuz. Eta errutina punkaren kontrakoa da erabat.

Mink Deville eta Cicatriz edo Nick Cave eta Eskorbuto? Halako etorria pizten dizute Bibliak eta kaleko okadek?

Mink De Ville eta Eskorbuto esan beharko dugu. Erlijioek eta haien historiek asko erakartzen naute, eta antzinako garaietako, Bibliako eta Koraneko gauza asko irakurtzen ditut. Solemnitate handiz, odolez, intzestuz eta bidegabekeriaz beteta daude.

Hainbat formatutan abesti dosi txikiak kaleratzen diharduzue…

Bai, garaiak zeharo aldatu dira: gaur egun musika eskuratzea inoiz baino errazagoa da eta inork ez dauka LP oso bat entzuteko astirik. Eta guri talde gisa aukera ematen digu sortu ahala kantak kaleratu, eta garapen azkarragoa izateko. Gainera, rock-and-roll onaren historia single eta EPetan grabatuta dago.

Taldean Penike eta Anti daude. Nolatan ez duzue musika beltzean gehiago sakontzen, Miss Jacksonen tarteka egin duzuen bezala?

Penikek eta Antik bakoitzak artikulu oso bat mereziko lukete, musika beltza biziki maite dute. Musika beltza gustukoa izateko egina dago, eta gu gogaitzeko musika egin izan duten zurien eraginez musika egiten dugun beste zuri batzuk gara. Miss Jacksonek ondo azaltzen du hori.

Bluesaren bitartez purutasunaren bila jo duzue, edo purutasunaren bila bluesa aurkitu duzue?

Bluesa rock-and-rollaren osagarri garrantzitsuena da, baina zeresan handia du horri gehitu nahi diozunak. Bluesa garrantzitsua da gure musikan, baina baita ajea eta utzi gaituzten neskak ere.

2025-01-27 | Julene Flamarique
The Spanish Government is considering the possibility of learning to drive outside of self-school, with the opposition of self-schools
The new model could save students thousands of euros. Teachers at the auto schools criticize the plan and expose the danger that may arise on the roads. They warn that the new measure “jeopardizes the employment of thousands of teachers.”

2025-01-27 | Leire Ibar
GKS calls for unity of the working class against fascism and war
Thousands of young people gathered in the mobilizations organized by the Youth Solizalist Coordinator (GKS) on January 25 in Bilbao and Pamplona to "prevent the normalization of the warmongering and fascist agenda in the Basque Country". Crowds have gathered in both capitals to... [+]

The house of a former councillor of the PNV in Zarautz has been decided to be demolished because it was built illegally
The case has been in court for ten years, and finally the Superior Court of the Basque Country has ruled what other smaller courts did not see: that the old farmhouse was not "reformed", but that a much larger building was erected and further from where it needed to be. It was... [+]

Bengoetxea takes over as rector and the financing of the UPV/EHU continues to be a subject of debate
Without making any special announcement, Joxerra Bengoetxea calls for "academic freedom and critical spirit" when he takes the oath of office as rector of the UPV/EHU, in Ajuria Ena: "The UPV will be the wall of containment against those who deny scientific evidence."

2025-01-27 | Leire Ibar
Tens of thousands of Palestinians are returning to devastated northern Gaza
Internally with the ceasefire agreement, the Israeli army has opened the Netzarim corridor. After almost a year of exile, thousands of Palestinians have embarked on a deep emotional journey to their homes. Trump has proposed the displacement of Gazans to Egypt and Jordan,... [+]

2025-01-27 | ARGIA
Denounce immigration policies and demand the impeachment of the defendants on the threshold of the trial
Around 2,000 people gathered on 26 January during the march from Irun to Hendaye to denounce Europe’s “murderous” migration policies. They have supported activists prosecuted for helping several migrants cross the border when they ran. The activists will be tried in... [+]

2025-01-27 |
EH Batera calls for the joint proclamation of the right to decide on Patriot Day
Euskal Herria Batera reports on the event that will take place on April 11 in Kursaal, Donostia. The event will take place a few days before the celebration of Patriot Day. The event was attended by Mireia Epelde, Xabier Euzkitze and Carlos Etchepare, whose founder, Manex Fuchs,... [+]

2025-01-27 | Aritz Arrieta
The Basque host country?

To be honest, I don't know why I'm writing this. In today’s hostile environment, opinions of this kind are not well received. Perhaps LUZ will not publish this because it does not correspond to the opinions they have published so far (but if they have finally decided to publish... [+]

Don’t let the sound of money silence the buzz of bombs

On January 15, the techno-business lobby called Cedarios presented its 6th report, Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. This neoliberal Think Tank, made up of eminent experts drawn from the world of finance, presented a magical... [+]

2025-01-27 | Behe Banda
Bar Warfare |
The first times

“It happened once and since then it happens every day [...] let’s not see what happens here. Such is the world, and no one today is a prophet in his dominion.”

I’ve been told about something else since time and time, I can’t see anything else and nothing I would... [+]

How to Create a Criminal (and Why Carpentry Criminals Aren’t Prosecuted)
The week of the Basque black novel is celebrated in Baztan from the 20th to the 26th. Among various book presentations, colloquia and other events, the morning round table has generated extraordinary expectation. In fact, under the pretext of the black novel, they have also... [+]

2025-01-27 |
Lesaka is full of verses on Verse Day
In collaboration with the School of Verses of Los Bortziries, we had prepared a program for the whole day to celebrate the Day of Verses; and even the verses have not failed: it has been a beautiful atmosphere in Lesaka since the morning.

Eguneraketa berriak daude