He was born eight or two hundred years ago, a child who, like so many others in the world, would be called Artemio. Antioch saw the first light in the distance. In his youth he chose military life and later began to spread the Christian faith: with enthusiasm and strength. The mother of the Church confessed to her sanctity, when the infidels removed her head and body after a cruel death.
The Christian temples of the saints are filled with such martyrs and these miserable. Getting closer in time and on the ground, there is Ignacio de Loyola, who, after ruling in the wars, founded and directed the Christian legions.
Long and stolen. After knowing the scope of war, as in Antioch and Loyola on the four shores of the world, many have changed their course: from armed and military life to philosophical and theological life; also to politics. But moving from war to peace is not always easy.
Even in peaceful action, some use military modus operandi: the hierarchy above all, the basis of what is orthodoxy and maximalism. The truth is that they are steps towards dances of war, not peace.
With many politicians, the same thing happens: music changes, the sound changes, not the step, not the step. Whoever has the front always in front, and the finger will live the back of the neck.
In both the Saltas and the Mutxicas dances, the direct choreographic step along the same area is known. This dance step is equally valid in many dances, it becomes the same in one and the other: always looking forward, always walking to the same side.
Ebats, on the other hand, is a winding: it changes the sense of dance and, instead of moving forward in the void and in the cecum, halfway – the dungeon, if you will – it puts the dancer looking across the square.
In this way, the ebats is more panoramic, as it looks backwards and backwards as forwards. It's more comprehensive, multi-vision.
ANTREXATAS. Throughout the time, both Artemio and Ignacio were school teachers: as in war, also in peace. And like them many others. Like then, also now. All of them have looked on the same side at the battlefield and at the plaza: from the tabside of force, from the watchtower of orthodoxy.
But if anyone believes that the leap from war to peace activates new opportunities, they have to change the working instruments and the work system. You will have to steal from time to time to look at the plaza and feel.
Because a dance of peace must not only alter the sound of a dance of war, but also the passage of a dance. That is, in addition to music, you also have to change the choreography steps.
The elections have passed between us a day of great happiness and misfortune, on the crazy November 20. Both in the campaign before the day of the vote and in the days after it, the students of the School of Artemio and Inazio have been seen in the places, many long but few robberies. They would walk, they would walk, they would change music. Maybe. But the dance steps, no. Pity.
To dance the way of war with the music of peace is to pour water into the soft milk. In the end, both are lost: milk and water.
Half, left, in the air, the antrexatas ... Beyond the narrow steps of Artemio and Inazio dancing, the plaza is a lively and attractive world.
– To music, to music, to play!
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