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"Gure haurrek badakite euskara hemengoa dela"

  • Anika Luján tuterarra da eta dozena bat urte daramatza Argia Ikastolan. Azken hiru urteetan zuzendaria da. Magisteritzan, AEKn eta Lazkaoko Maizpide euskaltegian ikasi zuen euskara.

Tutera Nafarroako eremu ez-euskaldunean dago. Duela 26 urte arrotza al zen herritarrentzat ikastola? Eta gaur egun?

Bospasei familia elkartu ziren ikastolaren sorreran. Lehen hiru tokiak Tuteran izan zituen ikastolak: peña, etxebizitza eta behitegia. Lehenengo Nafarroa Oinez eta gero, 1995ean inauguratu zen eraikuntza hau. Ordutik, gero eta ikasle gehiago, gero eta familia gehiago elkartu dira ikastolan, familia anitzak. Beti euskara izan da familiak mugitu dituena, baina ikastola handitzen joan den heinean familien motibazioa anitzagoa da.

Kontuan izan ikastolaren lehen urteak ez nituela barrutik bizi izan. Halere, jende askok ez zekien ikastola zegoenik ere. Ikasle gutxi zituen. Gero, bi Nafarroa Oinezak etorri ziren eta bai, ezagunagoa egin zen. Baina bai, herrian sentimendua beti izan da, “ze arraroak ikastolako horiek”. Baina ez zentzu txarrean, arrotzak besterik gabe.

Nire ustez, ikastola arrotz sentitzeko beste faktore bat ikastetxearen kokalekua da, ez gaude Tuteran, Fontellas herrian baizik. Tutera erdian egongo bagina, eskola bat gehiago izango ginateke. Fontellasen egoteak badu prezioa beraz. Bestalde, ikastola oso ondo dago Fontellasen, argitsua da, zuhaitzak ditu, paisaia ikusten da leihotik…

Euskaraz irakasten duen eskola pribatua zarete.

Ikastola Erriberakoa da, gure ikasleak Tuteratik eta beste hamaika herritatik etortzen dira. Bokazioa eskualdeko ikastola izatea da, gutxi gorabehera ikasleen bi heren Tuterakoak dira eta beste herena gainerako herrietakoak. Euskaraz irakasten duen eskola pribatua? Ez pentsa, inguruko ikastetxe publiko gehienak A eredukoak dira, euskara ikasgai moduan dute. Batzuk behintzat euskarara hurbildu dira, badakite euskara badela.

Badirudi agintari politikoek, zonifikazioa aitzakia hartuta, argudiatu egiten dutela eremu ez-euskaldunean euskara ez babestea. Kaletarrek ere halako jarrerak al dituzte?

“Zer irrika daukazue euskararekin, hemen ez da inoiz hitz egin-eta?”. Horrelakoak diozu ezta? Esan esaten dira, kontzientzia eta sentimendu kontuak dira. Beste kontu bat dira eskubideak, denok ez ditugu berak. Eremu ez-euskalduna da gurea. Ikastolak 26 urte ditu, 2006-2007 ikasturtean legalizatu zuten. Lehen Paz de Ziganda ikastolan zeuden izena emanda gure ikasleak, eskola liburua ezin genien guk eman.

Orain ikastetxe kontzertatua da ikastola. Oso ondo, baina guk daukagun eskaintza Erriberan administrazioak ez du ematen. Kontzertuak gastuen zati bat ordaintzen du eta oso ondo, baina ez ehuneko ehun. Administrazioak eta jendeak erabiltzen duen argudioa da zerbitzu hori doan daukazula eskola publikoan. Ez da horrela, guk inguruan ez daukagu D ereduko ikastetxe publikorik, doan, beraz gu ez gara ari gastuak bikoizten. Guk ematen dugun zerbitzua administrazioak eman beharko luke.

Hainbeste herritatik ikasleak Fontellasera joateko nola moldatzen zarete?

Garraioa behar ez duten bakarrak Fontellaseko haurrak dira, Tuterakoek ere autobusa hartu behar dute. Autobusek lau ibilbide egiten dituzte, bi Tuteratik eta beste bi gainerako herrietatik. Familiek nafar gobernuari diru-laguntzak eskatzen zizkien eta hala moldatu dira hainbat urtez. Orain dela hiru-lau urte diru-laguntzak murriztu edo kendu egin dizkiete. Gurasoen gain dago garraio gastua.

Ikastolako haur-gazteek nola bizi dute ikastolan ikastea?

Ez dute modu berezian bizi. Normalean 18 hilabeterekin hasten dira, euskara ikastea normala da haientzat. Haurrengandik ez dut jaso inoiz arraro sentitzen direnaren aztarnarik. Tuterako haurren kasua ezagutzen dut hobeto, ez dakit Corellan arraro begiratzen dieten, baina ez dut uste. Beste eskolako haurrekin elkartzen direnean galdetzen diete: “Zu nora zoaz eskolara? Ikastolara? Eta euskaraz egiten duzu? Eta nola esaten da ez dakit zer?”.

Argia Ikastolako haurrek kalean ez dute euskara asko entzungo.

Ingelesarekin dagoen desberdintasuna kontzientzia da. Haurrek badakite ingelesa kanpoko hizkuntza dela, baina badakite euskara hemengoa dela. Kalean ez da jendea entzuten ingelesez hitz egiten, ingelesa irakasten duten ikastetxeetatik ateratakoan irakasleek gaztelaniaz egiten dute, ikasleek ere bai. Gu euskaraz bizi gara ikastolatik kanpo, irakasleok denok, eta ikasleekin saiatzen gara. Gurasoek ere bultzatzen dute. Euskara entzuten da kalean, ez asko, nahiagoko nuke gehiago entzutea. Haurrak bai, haiek entzuten dituzu euskaraz. Hizkuntza irakasteaz aparte, gure lana bada hizkuntzarekiko eta kulturarekiko sentimendua transmititzea.

Tribute to Txillardegi on the thirteenth anniversary of his death
This Tuesday is 13 years since the death of Jose Luis Alvarez Enparantza Txillardegi, and on this occasion, a multitudinous event has been held in Plaza Gaskonia de la Antigua. As every year, family members, friends and Euskaltzales of Txillardegi have met at the event. in the... [+]

2025-01-13 | Garazi Zabaleta
Caserío Urteaga-Urkulegi
Vegetables, fruits and meat, diversification as the basis of production
Urteaga and Urkulegi are two neighbouring villages of Itsaso (Gipuzkoa), which joined together years ago and launched a joint project. “We put the two houses together and started the production project, and since 2011 I have been working with total dedication,” explains... [+]

2025-01-13 | Jakoba Errekondo
Do not smell
The nose tells the truth. It's hard to fool your nose. You can't avoid smell. The exciting, exciting, exciting study of the pathway of nasal connection to the brain is for many researchers. If the bridge between smell and memory is not the fastest, it is one of the fastest. An... [+]

Bagera, we too, always happy... the angle not so much.
When 180 million years ago the continent of Pangea dismembered, the eel had learned to cross the Sea of Thetis. Since then, the continents have been moving and differentiating eel species. Among the 20 species of eel that have distinguished themselves from their original... [+]

New Worlds
Leaving behind the misplaced congratulations and all the good years that are repeated in the loop, the wheel starts to work again, has it never stopped?, and to breathe – or something like that. Also in this is an advantage to be a pastor, to be immersed in sheep work does not... [+]

2025-01-13 | Sustatu
Apple invents extracts of news without worrying
Extension of the Artificial Intelligence Nonsense Store. Those created by ordinary users can be largely unwise, but the Internet giants themselves are repeating these situations and this seems more serious, as they can have a global impact. A serious case that can be... [+]

2025-01-13 | Behe Banda
Warros Bars |
Is it too early to talk about nostalgia?

Winter has always happened to me melancholy. It was time to look out the window and remember. An ineluctable bureaucracy between autumn and spring, painting back blank on a vertical parcel to reflect whatever you want. It's not just my business, those who forget that the snow is... [+]

A wave of citizens in favour of a final solution for prisoners, escapes and deportees
At the beginning of the year, Sare Herritarra filled the streets of Bilbao to participate in the demonstration he organized this Saturday. In the final act, they have called for an end to the laws and treatments of exception that apply to prisoners and for a "collective" memory... [+]

All victims of the IAP

The victims created by the IAP are not only functionalized teachers thanks to the stabilization process brought about by the IAP Law, but much more. Some have been given some media visibility as a result of Steilas's appeal, but most of them are invisible. All the victims of the... [+]

For a quality public rail service for the Ribera

In recent weeks we have been reading "proposals" for the recovery of the railway line Castec-Soria and the maintenance of the Tudela train station in its current location, or for the construction of a new high-speed station outside the urban area with the excuse of the supposed... [+]

We're not going to war. No to war, no to our name!

Year of War, year of lie!

That is what the phrase says, and that is what reality confirms.

Given the situation of war in the world and in Europe, its constant upturn and the possible consequences that this has had and will have in Euskal Herria, last December several citizens... [+]

Regeneration of the beach of Waukee

The restoration of the natural characteristics of the beach of Waukee began three decades ago and continues without interruption in the staged restoration to counterclockwork.

Samuel (Bizkaia) is an exceptional space, very significant from the natural and social point of view... [+]

135 political prisoners and 66 go out on the street with some permission
This Saturday, the annual demonstration in favour of Basque political prisoners and prisoners is held in Bilbao. There are fewer and fewer prisoners, but when in 2011 ETA interrupted its armed activity, few would have imagined that, fifteen years later, dozens of prisoners... [+]

It has been achieved. You have done it! We have achieved that. Congratulations and thank you.

After so many years of struggle for it, 34 years, precisely, we are very pleased with the decision taken a few days ago, on 28 December, Innocent Day, in Pamplona, at the assembly organized by the International Federation of Basque Ball. Well, from now on we will have the... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude