The talks are being held publicly, both by lehendakari, Patxi López, and by the parties themselves, and by the PNV, for example. Lopez is trying to become a leader, but he has a hard time doing it, because he doesn't have a leader outside his party, nor has it to do with the party in which he is a leader. The fact that the ETA statement was captured on an US train. This would have happened to any president, had he not previously been to the Aiete Conference in San Sebastian, but he was announcing the visit of Kofi Annan and company, and yet he vanished.
But with other gestures the lehendakari López will also have to be very careful, if he wants to be recognized for the future. The fact that it has been re-evidenced in the supposed final act of ETA does not favour its institutional figure, at a time when the role of the lehendakari should be very importante.El member of the
Abertzale left Haxier Arraiz wrote in Gara, following the ETA communiqué, that the alleged victors were furious, and saw the presumed losers with joy and hope. And giving something like that after ETA's release. The PP and the PSE-EE have shown their satisfaction, above all because of the threat they are being taken from above, and because in the political sphere “democracy has defeated ETA”. But they are not entirely satisfied, and are sometimes outraged, because Basque society in general does not devour the speech of the defeated and winners, nor the revenge (although disguised with the law), because they perceive that in the change of direction of the Basque left the pragmatic perspective has been decisive, and not so democratic or ethical, because they are satisfied with the assumptions defeated...
And although the end of ETA has dispelled joy everywhere, every political family will have reason to be happy and angry. These are the ones that, through the conversation, should be appeased for the future. After the passage from Bildu to Patxi López, the next step is probably the one that will lead the left Abertzale and the PSE-EE, and the last one that will lead the left Abertzale and pp. Those who speak in the institutions talk about taxes, crises, bus stations, garbage... How are they not going to talk about peace and normalization?
And how to talk? The order and contents of the Declaration of Aiete are very clear and more and more people are speaking in this order. Fortunately, the most important thing is not on the road to Aiete or on the road to the parliaments, the road would be the least if all the steps set out in Aiete were completed, and better if it were spoken throughout Euskal Herria. Here's home work: Point 2 of Aiete’s agenda is that of conclusions, which today and here means presos.Hay to be careful with
PRESSURE, because sometimes pressure can block more than open. And if possible, we have to control the pressure, but on the issue of prisoners the pressure is piling up on its own, unless there is any movement. Where to start is very easy, there are so many possibilities to make effective moves without much noise!
In other cases, pressure is already piling up on governments and it is best to take it away as soon as possible. The spokeswoman for the Basque Government, Idoia Mendia, asked whether it is fair and reasonable for Arnaldo Otegi to remain in prison if his sentence is not yet final.
Yes, the issue of Otegi and Bateragune is perhaps the most scandalous – because its action has meant the end of ETA – but it is of the same nature those of Segi, Askatasuna or those of 18/98 who are in prison for their mere political action.
What happens is that Otegi's is particularly spicy to governments and, fortunately, the Spanish Justice still has room to harden the case, bringing the Justice out of that grip. Otherwise, they will continue to fatten a strong leader. Basically, they have to decide what is better for Otegi to campaign for Amaiur from inside or outside prison.
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35 film aurkeztu dira lehiaketara eta zortzi aukeratu dituzte ikusgai egoteko Euskal Herriko 51 udalerritan. Euskarazko lanak egiten dituzten sortzaileak eta haiek ekoitzitako film laburrak ezagutaraztea da helburua. Taupa mugimenduak antolatzen du ekimena.
“Gogo eta gorputzaren zilbor-hesteak: bi kate. Bi kate, biak ebaki beharrezkoak: bat gorputzaren bizitzeko, bestea gogoaren askatzeko”. Hala dio Mikel Laboaren kantak; hala izan da belaunaldiz belaunaldi, egun arte.
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Behe bandako zutabea bezain erlojuaren aurka prestatzen ditut mozorroak, korrika, aztoratuta, zalantzaz, erretxin, estropezuka eta sarri arrakasta ez erabatekoarekin; adibidez, zutabe hau eta biharko mozorroa. Oraindik ez dakit bietako zein bukatuko dudan lehenago. Baina... [+]
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