Going unnoticed was not impossible, Madrid gave for a long time, but there were many, and it had to stay very far from the news so as not to realize that there had been a demonstration on 15 October. At home we are two, and we were one to fix what we wanted, but not what we could not; we also did it to reassure our parents (so happy are the parents with their newly awakened children, we will not throw all our possibilities of pride to ours). But the half of this two we are, who did not attend the demonstration, had the opportunity to spend the afternoon thinking at home, and that is made by remembering how a friend wrote to us in the news coming from Tunisia from France, “it was over, now comes our lesson”, he said; a young man burned himself, the image is different from those we see here, (or not so much, it was remembered when the Muslim group of Castellón.
Back in the plaza, Sol, instead of drowning, so many reasonable people, the city seemed beautiful, from her house you saw a party, as the election days say, of democracy, and the old suspicion that demonstrations, when peaceful, adorn and advertise the same democracy that receives them. And now globally. Peaceful demonstrations all over the world; they've put informational maps with a bunch of dots, but I wouldn't say it all over the world, and it's not hard to know where there was no point.
I have read that the media want to hide, I would not say so, is the opposite of what gives me suspicion; I have also read that they are giving priority to a part of the movement, that of the right-wing groups of 15M. Barack Obama has understood those of Wall Street and those of Jean Claude Trichet for Europe, those of Rome no one, or those of 15M. He's creating a brand from that crowd that wanted to be born without a name, and to round things up, Aznar has insulted them; what else do you want? The marches are read as if Europe’s goodwill had gone for a walk, as if a new childhood were possible, and half of me who was in Madrid said yes, that this good will was maintained.
But 15M does not want to be the demand of one, of all, and of all in the world; power has been lucky in itself with this movement, surely because as the world stands the reaction should be uglier, it has more to do with the roasted meat than with the joyful demonstrations full of performances that have been made workshops of depoliticized young people, and the media have explained to us that on October 15 something important happened, but where? And where not?
There was a time when the movement had to decide whether to continue in the Plaza de Sol and the logistic accounts became headlines with the hotel that was occupied in Madrid after the demonstration that is now happening; the decision to collect proposals, debate and decide what to do with the building was postponed; and that would be OK if it were a neighborhood movement, but I don't know to what extent the 15Ma is becoming a world label to convince.