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Melody: You can get me into the earth.
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The castle of Amaiur (1522), in Baztán, was the last strength of the resistance against the Spanish conquest of the Kingdom of Navarra. The rebels, with their courage, also dominated the kingdom of Spain, challenged by their hearts, sought to rise up against the... [+]
You will easily see Spaniards of a certain age who want to underestimate or reduce the severity of something: “More was lost in Cuba,” recalling the loss of the remains of the colonial empire in 1898. Hungarians also have a similar expression, which is used in the same sense... [+]
You will easily see the Spaniards of a certain age, who want to belittle or reduce the severity of something: “In Cuba, more was lost”, recalling the loss of the remains of the colonial empire of that year 1898. Hungarians also have a similar expression, which is used in the... [+]
Amaiurko gazteluaren erorketaren 500 urteen kari Amaiurko Gaztelu elkarteak lan hori egiteko galdegin zion. Amaiurko gazteluaren sarraskia usu aipatzen bada ere, Nafarroko erresumaren desegitea ez da sobera ezagun. Komiki honen bidez gure historia gogora ekarri du Urmenetak.
Amaiurko gaztelua izan zenaren oinarri osoa identifikatuta dago, eta Erdi Aroan paisaia hark izango zuen itxura irudikatuta, azken zortzi urteetan Aranzadi Zientzia Elkarteak gidatutako lanari esker. Orain, daukaten informazioarekin historia idatzi beharra dagoela azaldu du... [+]
Gogo duenak ikasi eta ekiten du lema antzeman dugu amaiurtarren hitzetan. 1512an erori zen Nafarroako Erresuma. Amaiurtarrek 1522ra arte eutsi zioten Gazteluari. 2012. urtean Haien ametsa gurea da ikuskizuna eratu dute, Pier Paul Berzaitz zuberotarren eskutik.