I would like to congratulate the professionalism and proportionality shown by the Ertzainas.” These words by Rodolfo Ares reflect very well on which side political power is aligned in social conflicts. In other words, for whom he works. However, they are not ashamed to say that they act for the benefit of “all the people.” In any case, let us look at what is in those words.
It is logical to claim that those who, after surrounding the Rekalde district and militarily besieging Kukutza, wanted to enter the building at all costs, acted in moderation. The measure of its objective. Why, if not, attack with all kinds of tanks and appliances? On the contrary, those who responded as they could inside and outside Kukutza, both for Ares and for Azkuna, were disproportionate. In other words, they wanted to turn the aggressor into the aggressor.
Professional practice. There are professions – professions – aimed at curing people’s illnesses and saving their lives, although they are also murderers. Nazi doctors, for example, experimented with humans. Instead, the military (accepting the definition of General Piris), the more enemies they kill, the more they prepare professionally for it, although in times of emergency they also work to save people. An alternative activity occurs in all professions. The police, in addition to assaulting the demonstrators, is responsible for monitoring traffic in the area. The question is what is the main role of each profession. It is clear to me: Take care of the status quo of the army and the police! Of course, what police state! The police at the time of Franco and today are not the same.
These days I have had the opportunity to read another story from the United States written by Howard Zinn. It is clarifying how the pioneering constitution of the cry for human rights and individual freedom, which recognizes the legitimacy of the rebellion against the bad rulers, has been manipulated throughout history in favor of the private property of the oligarchy. How the army set up to fight for independence, the militia to take care of society, the national guard and the police put it in time (in addition to killing the Americans of origin) to end the riots of the black poor and the workers.
Dress up. Unlike dictatorships, in the rule of law (they say), in addition to covering the faces of the police with masks, they try to disguise their work. In other words, it has become a motto for the citizen police to protect themselves from “wrongdoers” (of course, the most dangerous criminals, the highest level people, are almost untouchable). In the case of the Basque Country, "the one here" has followed that line by taking the name of the Ertzaintza. So-called “other” “nationals” or “civilians” in some way (i.e., that it is not military, even if it is organized militarily), disguised, but without the need to dress up. The truth is that they are not the same, but, unfortunately, they are increasingly similar. I still remember the wood we collected two years ago in Urbina!
Those of Kukutza have been considered as criminals (if they have not said so clearly) because they illegally occupied the property that was not theirs. Private ownership, that's the key! Since the disappearance of real socialism, in which public property is the main and most protected, states have as their primary objective to preserve private property that accumulates in few hands. Because let's not fool ourselves, not all private properties are equally protected. Institutions don't work as well when they have to expropriate small properties. In the case of the TAV the excavators have passed over the major lands and have been guarded by the Ertzaintza!
In the Kukutza case, no one has denied that the head had the right to do so, but few have clarified that the surplus value of that property was obtained through a recalification of the trace of the pelotazo. And the City Hall, if it wanted to, had powers to change the situation, even money. Another injustice was piled up. And the Ertzaintza, that's been used to cover everything.
They were all in food and drink, seemingly cheerful, but some were nervous between snacks and appetizers. He would receive the prize for the second time, but he would be the first to have it in his hands. And I was nervous because the reminder had to get to the office, damn it.... [+]
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Irureta Azkun made an appointment on behalf of the LAR team:
"One of the thousands who make up the LUZ community has recently told us that sometimes LUZ is dark, that there is hard news that moves it inside. That we're doing a good job, but the bad news is knocking his throat... [+]