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Kutxa Bank, Bildu eta Espainiako Bankua

Espainiako Bankua
Espainiako Bankua

Azken orduko sorpresarik ez bada, aste honetan, hilaren 23an, Kutxa, BBK eta Vital-eko batzarrek Kutxa Bank sortzeari baietz esango diote. EAEko hiru aurrezki kutxen arteko “fusio hotzaren” ondorio da. Bizkaia eta Arabako kutxek jada onartu zuten operazioa joan den ostiralean eta Kutxakoak aste honetan bertan egingo du. Fusio hori modu harrigarrian egingo da, kutxen eta Bilduren arteko negoziazioaren ondoren –batzuentzat gardentasun gutxikoa–. Fusioa ez onartzeko gakoak ziren gaiak (pribatizazioa, hiru urtera mugatutako gizarte ekintza, euskal lan arlotik aparteko negoziazio kolektiboa…–, ezker abertzalearentzat jada gako izateari utzi zioten Bildurekin lortutako hitzarmenaren ondoren. Bilduren arabera, kutxak ez pribatizatzea blindatu zen, baita epemugarik gabeko gizarte ekintza eta langileek nahi luketen negoziazio kolektiboa ere.

Baina, nork berma dezake ezer, logika kapitalista mantentzen duen eta Espainiako Bankuak baldintzatua dagoen finantza sistema honetan? Nork blindatu dezake ezer, jadanik hasi bada kutxen bankutzea? Kapitalak bere legeak inposatzen ditu, eta beretzat, dibidenduak kontraesanean daude gizarte ekintzarekin. Ez da harritzekoa hainbat sindikatu eta agente politiko fusio honen kontra azaldu izana.

Bilduk ardura handia hartu du: akordio hau beteko dela zaintzea. Eta, zer egingo du Espainiako Bankuak bere arauak inposatu eta akordioa hausten badu? Espero dezagun balizko kasu horren aurrean Bilduk B plana aurreikusi izana. Aukera hori akordioan idatzita utzi beharko luke. Euskal finantza erakundeak, beste asko bezala, Madrilgo, Pariseko eta Bruselako gobernuen menpe daude. Ez litzateke lehenengo aldia izango, ezta azkena ere, Euskal Herriari erabakitzen ez uztea eta ez errespetatzea gehiengo politiko, sozial eta sindikalaren borondatea.

2011ko irailaren 25
Bere militante batek eraso “faxista” jasan duela salatu du Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistak

Larunbatean pertsona talde batek Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistako kide bati eraso egin ziola salatu dute. Azaldu dutenez, "faxistei aurre" egin zien propaganda jartzen ari zirela, eta piperbeltz espraiarekin zipriztindu zuten.

2025-02-12 | Euskal Irratiak
Cédric Kurrutxet: «Zailtasunetan diren emazte haurdunak aterpetzen ahalko dira Iturria etxean»

Haurdunaldian diren emazte bakartuentzat, harrera-leku bat proposatuko du La Maison des Sept Vallées elkarteak Donibane Lohizunen. Pariseko bikote jabe pribatu baten gogoan sortu zen xedea. Donibane Lohizunen, 2021ean Iturria izeneko etxea erosi eta, bazter bastizetan... [+]

A professor at the University of the Basque Country campus in Vitoria-Gasteiz accused of harassing and touching students
Denuncias Euskal Herria has published on its Instagram account five anonymous accusations against the same teacher, without giving the name of the teacher, but specifying that he is a professor of Hispanic Philology. LARA has spoken with three former students who have completed... [+]

The Nano Automotive plant in Tudela will be closed and 120 workers will be laid off
The management argues that despite “all efforts”, customer demand has been “drastically” reduced. The company’s committee will participate in the mobilisation to defend the industry in Navarre on Sunday.

The alleged left doing (and proud of) migrant raids in the UK: 4,000 detainees in six months
The ruling Labour Party has shown images of arrests and deportations, proudly claiming it has made a “record” this January.

A macho attack is reported in Amurrio
The Amurrio Women’s Network calls for a rally in response to the macho attack on Tuesday at 7 p.m. In Bilbao, Itaia has mobilized on Monday to denounce the sexual assault of a young girl.

Hamas suspends Saturday’s prisoner exchange accusing Israel of violating the ceasefire
The Islamist organization has mentioned among the measures that Israel has violated the continued bombing of Gaza and the situation of the released Palestinian prisoners. Trump has threatened that if he doesn’t make an exchange of prisoners, he will turn Gaza into a “hell.”

Investigation begins after finding a camera in the bathroom of a bar in Mondragón
The investigation has been initiated by the Mondragón Municipal Police after some girls found a small camera in the bathroom of a central bar on Sunday morning.

2025-02-11 | Mikel Aramendi
Tariffs: even in the economic war, scenography cannot replace strategy
Donald Trump takes advantage of his trip to the Super Bowl on the Air Force One to report on the tariffs he is about to implement. In terms of scenography, excellent. The message to the house is “I am calmer than calm; look where we are going... Even Americans can be quiet... [+]

Students organize assemblies and mobilizations against the UPV teacher investigated for spreading "fascist" messages
The students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Vitoria-Gasteiz campus stressed the "need to organize against fascism" and demanded the immediate dismissal of the professor from the UPV.

Searching for the Best Chatbot
In recent years, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact on the situation of minority languages. The main models developed by the technology giants, such as ChatGPT, are trained in the main languages, which entails the risk of leaving aside... [+]

'Give them here, give them Basque' will be the slogan used by the Government of Navarre in its campaign to promote Basque
Especially families with children. Because we want the best for our children, giving them Basque would broaden their horizons for the future. "It is an invitation to choose for multilingualism, because giving Basque is a union," said Ana Ollo, Basque counselor.

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