Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Everyone has their movie.

  • The family. The stone of tradition. A mule. And with a bet. Heavy, present nailed in the past. That's Alberto J. Arrival of director Gorritiberea, personal reading of a reality. We have taken advantage of the yoke. Father and son, moving tradition and future to the same place. And his father, Joxe Mari Gorriti, has appeared to us with his animals, just as he walks through the town party in town, accompanied by ponies and bulls. It couldn't be otherwise.
Gorriti aita-semeak
Gorriti aita-semeakEneko Dorronsoro
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

My father.

I was born in Arronamendi, between Deba and Itziar, passing through the tunnel. I started with animals as small as I could. I liked it ... First cats, then rabbits... I remember a rabbit, a white rabbit with a broken leg that the late father gave me. I tied the tablets to my legs and brought it out alive. I sold the shade and... The money! So I don't know what it would be, but my parents gave me all the money. That was another world for me! So I started, animal and animal, and ...

The son.

The father has always needed the animal world. We lived in Vitoria, downtown. I once remembered the neighbors who were complaining because they heard a noise at night and come back. We knew nothing, but my father hid a owl in the loft, a small owl. Imagine the uproar I would have built that night... And things like that, for dozens. I understand that, that has been his life since he was a child. Some animals, rabbits... There was nothing else in that hole where I was born. Life must be invented!

Anyway, I also have a mother. It's more rational and it gave me another counterpoint. I'll have some of the two, but if I'm behind the camera, and not in front of me like the father, it's probably because the mother is there too.

I don't know if your child doesn't go a little backwards...

That said to me once. And I, “Let my son follow his path.” In this world we are dedicated to fixing each other's houses, and here everyone has to organize their own home first.

“Dad, I have to do this,” “OK, OK.” It started with the bar and it was successful. Alberto is a good guy... Then I had to make a movie. And then he started to go up and down the mule. In the river, I found a mule of about 700 kilos. It's a flu! I said: “You, Juanito”, “what?”, “don’t sell it, at least don’t do it, because my son is still going to make the film with everything”, “yes...” Juanito laughed.

Tradition. Have to kill my father to deliver him from Arriya?

Arriya is a story towards a boy's freedom. Emancipation. And for that it has to break with everything. With tradition, with the family... Not only with the father, but with the mother, with the surroundings... I think tradition has to be cultural, and I don't know if we don't use it many times to plug our holes. I think culture is healthier in that need to cover up. Many times traditions focus on culture. And if they don't move, they adapt, I think culture becomes a burden.

This world that I've met through my father has helped me do this work: rural sports, animals, betting ... And also the lives of the husbands. When I was 16, I came to live with my grandmother to the Bitarte dwelling in Zumaia. Here I came up with a special relationship with nature; I don't think nature lives tradition. Traditions have limits, ours look different from others. But nature brings them all together. And in the movie there's that: nature, the river doesn't understand it from tradition.

Arriya is the abstraction of a small world. I've somehow abstracted a world that I've known and painted in images.

“Gorriti is crazy.”

It happened to me that once we were hunting, that a dog found a hare at nine o'clock in the morning, and three and a half hours later! Before me, that hare. I kept the shotgun and let the hare go. In Vitoria-Gasteiz, he opened his mouth among those around him: Gorriti isn't right! I have seen how he has let the hare go.” It pity me. The dog and she walked around to which of the two... I already have a vivid hare. But not to eat, she likes it.

For six or seven years I was in the judge, lifting stones ... And then I started, first with a small bull, organizing children's shows. Then ponys, cocks... I'm terribly pueril. For me, it's a child and then an animal. And it seems to me that playing with animals gives the child a culture. And no. Should a child live alone with television? Don't you have to live the reality? What do you have to give it, cookies and television? I do not agree with this concept. I think we need to give the child less cookies and more powers. And on a cultural level, animals. That's where I created my film.

That's my father's movie.

A good friend told me. “If you want to address yourself, you’ll have to learn how to walk on solitary roads.” And the truth is, I'm comfortable, I like this lonely path. To return later and enjoy the family. But film requires a special force, the ability to confront that loneliness. And that's what I'll have my father's influence on. He has also made his way.

Since I was a kid I've seen that it was a wager, a ringer game instantly ... Close by yes, but my father has always had a leg out. It has created another world, and I would say it has not been an immobile foundation of tradition. It moves, it turns around and it creates a story. I remember once the children of a small town put signs on the street to welcome him. Respect for children satisfies his father, and in that sense, I would say that he has made good use of tradition. That is no small thing! I haven't analyzed it many times, but yes, he has... In his creativity he has managed to make his own world or his own film. And he thinks something is getting better.

Already in retirement age...

I'm pretty retired with these knees, but it doesn't matter. I like the work I do, that's it. Otherwise I would have retired a long time ago, but at 71 years old, as the kid also has a good helper...

Animals and children. For me, that's been recording. And after walking like this, having three children like the ones I have and a woman like the one who touched me ... However, I have not spent so much time with my children, especially women have raised them. But I have not yet met anyone capable of being in two places at once! Maybe I should have been more in my family, or I should have been content with fewer animals, fewer hits ... I think I've been successful with animals. From Santander to Palencia and... The last deal was for Gandia, but I'm not going.

Here are the diners and everything else! But I know what I'm going to take from this world: three children, one woman and this little world that I've been successful in. That's my story.

And yours, Alberto, movie theater.

It allows me to be a little better in life. Create a simple image, fill a dream -- I don't know. Looking sincerely inside, respecting and wanting that real image that's created, I'm invaded by the feeling that the world is changing into something.

I don't know if I'm good at making movies, that's what others will say. But in the process, I think that in the working groups good relations have emerged, both in Eutsi!, in the documentary on flysch, in Arriya... It seems to me that many times we are going to make a film, enter a big team and tell the ideals. A great script, and how sincere we are, and how we can improve society and... But in reality, the stories that are lived throughout the recording are sometimes very cruel. And I think it's more important that that honesty is shifted into the working group itself. For the rest, I don't know what we're doing film for. We have to work, of course, and I have also done a lot to live, but I do not see the point. This is not painting a picture, here the creative and professional contribution of the working group is necessary. It's a nice analysis of how the recordings live to find out if the stories they tell are real. It may be my theory, but I think it has a nice reflection.

“Gorriti, what son you have done!”

He wondered if it had nothing to do with his father, with his mother, with his... I don't know, something will. But this has one thing that I didn't have. School and I didn't have a school. There I go from town to town, and I know I don't do Spanish well, and in Basque... Ah! I am a person not in Basque or in Spanish well. In the Vitoria workshop no one spoke in Basque and you know...
I guess his son was wrong in career. He had to be a lawyer. He knows how to speak. The three children are of great category, but this is the piece that has left us! Even when the film was over, at the time of dinner, the actors would tell me: “Gorriti, what son you have done!” Thank you. Something I had guessed!

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