After the May elections, Barcina continues from one side to the other with a joy, this time crowned queen. “The Spanish Queen of Navarra”. That's what the May elections brought us, because there was actually no other choice, knowing the ways of the PSN. Four years ago, many people sincerely thought that change would come from the hand of Nafarroa Bai and the PSN, but that possibility was frustrated by the PSN. Now, change has taken place in a number of places, and Bildu has been the main engine of mobilization. On the other hand, in Navarre no. The same election night was the descent of Bildu in the Labrit fronton of the capital, where the head was shrunk. While the Western results were on the rise, two data cool the enthusiasm of many people; the results of Pamplona and Navarra. In the days following the election, the same bitter and discolored grudge emerged from the lips of many Non-Chalkans of age: “Four years ago it seemed that Nafarroa was going to get with Bai, and now with Bildu, but how far away it was! We are not going to see changes! You, I don’t know.” The truth is that if there is any change, it will not come from the hand of the PSN, because the Socialist Party is embedded in the heart of the Navarro regime; in that, at least, it seems that both sides agree.
As for the results obtained by the Parliament of Navarre, progress has been made. For example, Nafarroa Bai and Bildu are the majority in many small towns in the Region of Pamplona, surroundings and Pyrenees, when the right has always won export votes. As for the Ribera, things are maintained, except for exceptions; La Ribera remains a hard field for the Basque and Abertzale people, but of course! Also for the Ezker Batua and Batzarre coalition. However, between NaBai 2011, Bildu and Left-Ezkerra have won 18 seats in Parliament; it is not enough, of course, to bring the least change to Navarre, but if it is something, and it can be something else: a starting point. It is clear that, therefore, the social base of three groups, which will be the three necessary to mobilize those who have not come to vote at home, will have to be widened to make a nod to the voters of the SNP, to bring the progressive people of the Bank to change.
But first of all, each group will have to organize and order their house and govern well in the municipalities that have got the mayor's club, because that is very important, and also the management that Bildu is going to do in Gipuzkoa. After all, there is no one left. NaBai, for example, has a little way to go, it's not just a name, it has a name, and it has shown that it's able to bring other people into the Euskaltzales field, and that new majority is also going to need that strength. On the other hand, sectors that would never vote left Abertzale could be comfortable within a force of this kind or a group that assumes the values of NaBai.
On the road to change, ETA's final disappearance will also be inevitable, so that all threatened can rest immediately and, at the same time, so that the EA boats that voted for Bildu relax. And after reading the communiqué last day, those people and many others remain as uncomfortable as before, even though Bildu leaders praise the communiqué on all sides.
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