When the girls came out to play a bell, my receipt of sunlight increased visibly. In the world of the pilgrimage that the philosopher Nietzsche used to take the myth of the superman, the Elves cooks did not put the black muzzle on me and greeted me more politely the smell of the loves of summer, whose air was entirely bewitched. How we are: My heart disease for the Basque Radical Rock could not allow me to hear Alaitz and Maider and that, in addition to the gas buttock, I was bechamel. Preventive censorship of myself will have been denied many times, and every refusal would leave a big blank spot at five o'clock in the afternoon. “In secrets, one is the biggest secret, the one you want, is yourself.” I was getting angry at myself, and in the mirror, I was invading a terrible sadness. But today, I was not entirely of the old box of that hegemonic, I want to leave you written “forgive me” on the slate of the widowed past, with tears in your eyes, with your heart excited, because I was also in love with them, even the trikitixa. Ah, the poetry of the clothes of the street of the OTA garage! Oh, this moment when newspapers run out of political pages! Green hills, green pine forests and beautiful villages! Ah, extraordinary slap of summer love! A strong wind is summer love that doubles the treetops of the trees in the head. A heartbeat, free and confusing, full of arrests, is summer love, waiting to pass as a taxi and a whole life on hold. In summer I never cease to fall in love, I am rooted as a vineyard on the ground of falling in love, but it is not good, and it has serious consequences for my lemonade health: The Environment Minister, Rosa Aguilar, and the former mayor of Córdoba was "dolida" by the designation of Donostia-San Sebastián as the European Capital of Culture and added that the political argument of pacification has been "a grave error". In the words of Aguilar, for the first time this summer my heart broke, I had so much sympathy for this woman when all the lights of the soul confederation have been turned off. But the tear of love is still compensated by the normality of love, and on the same day in Madrid, in the same city, seeing the hug between the former mayor of San Sebastián Odón Elorza and the new mayor of San Sebastián, Juan Karlos Izagirre, and hearing that the objective of the Bateragune case was for the armed group to take the final step of democracy. Then, Spanish National Audience Judge Angela Murillo asked a smart question, and I re-regretted the passion for the heart, but when Yves Salaverry Xala proclaimed with emotion and crying that “the ball is not just money, it’s a big thing,” I felt that the heart is the most important thing in the world. And “to avoid the unpleasant noise of music”, when in the Chueca neighborhood I was ordered to listen to the helmets, I prefer not to tell you how my heart shrunk, but in the last video that the Zea Mays group has made, I remember that now I am in love, and my heart has started stronger than I am. It's not a problem I worry about, I assure you. I would worry about being myself in the place of my heart.
Okzitaniako Tolosako elkartea da aipatu kolektiboa eta Frantziako Gobernuak dekretuz desegin zuen 2022an. Orain Estatu Kontseilua gobernuaren erabakia egokia dela berretsi du.
Sare Herritarrak antolatuta, pasa den urtarrilaren 11n Bilboko kaleak bete zituen manifestazio jendetsuaren ondoren, berriz sortu da eztabaida, euskal presoei salbuespen legeriarik aplikatzen ote zaion. Gure iritzia azaltzen saiatuko gara.
Espetxe politikan aldaketa nabarmena... [+]
Duela gutxi think tank izateko jaioa omen den Zedarriak bere 6. txostena aurkeztu zuen. Beren web orrialdean azaltzen dutenaren arabera, zedarriak ebidentea ez den bidea topatzeko erreferentziak dira. Hots, hiru probintzietako jendarteari bidea markatzeko ekimena. Agerraldi... [+]
Eskoziako Lur Garaietara otsoak itzularazteak basoak bere onera ekartzen lagunduko lukeela adierazi dute Leeds unibertsitateko ikertzaileek.. Horrek, era berean, klima-larrialdiari aurre egiteko balioko lukeela baieztatu dute, basoek atmosferako karbono-dioxidoa xurgatuko... [+]
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, atxilotu zutenean berak ez zuen ertzainik zauritu, haiek lurrera bota zuten eta konortea galdu zuen. Ondoren, Ertzaintzaren komisariaren zoruan iratzartu zen eta handik ospitalera eraman zuten.
Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
Larunbat goiza Iruñean. Neguko eguzkitan lanera doazen gizon –eta ez gizon– bakarti batzuk... [+]
Zubiak eraiki Xiberoa eta Boliviaren artean. Badu jadanik 16 urte Boliviaren aldeko elkartea sortu zela Xiberoan. Azken urteetan, La Paz hiriko El Alto auzoko eskola bat, emazteen etxe baten sortzea, dendarien dinamikak edota tokiko irrati bat sustengatu dituzte.
11 doctors in health care earn 230,000 euros each year, one of the practices 18,000 euros
This Thursday, EH Bila asked the Government of Navarre to investigate and correct this situation in the plenary session of the Parliament of Navarre. The UPN and the PP have joined the... [+]