Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Those of the M15

M15-arekin lotutako mobilizazio bat.
M15-arekin lotutako mobilizazio bat.

SUCCESS in society requires minimum principles: having ideas, a minimum organisation and, of course, the support of many citizens or, at least, understanding. All three are immersed in the M15 movement that has developed in Spain and that is why, despite the difficulties and problems, it is succeeding. For now, at least. But there is not much left: it is assembly, it can be managed by power – it is violent – or too peaceful –, innate as naïve, it is not realistic, too utopian, it is out of the system, too atomized… All that and more can be of its weaknesses, no doubt, but in many of these characteristics are also its foci of strength.

Of our lands it is not the most common, but this time the wing brings freshness. May 2011 has brought the freshness to the South, and the anger, the indignation, the astonishment… all that, and especially by the movement of the non-angry. But that's also why. And what happens is that those who meet in the Arriaga or in the Plaza del Castillo are not angry because Arnaldo Otegi is in jail, because of the situation of the Basque Country or because of the situation of the Fukushima and Garoña power stations… Or maybe someone knows, but what brings them together is not that: they are angry because they have no work, or because they don’t go to

“Politicians also do it with the best will, but with their logic, they are not our enemies,” said a young man, but it did not provoke hand turns or some of them, because there is hardly any participation that is not applauded. Next time another young man explained in detail and quality how he is fighting in his company to negotiate the labour agreement, and that is linked to the Euro Pact. You can hear everything that's in this kind of mass gathering, from the most ridiculous to the highest.

And those young people, and not so young people, who have left the street without fear and enthusiasm, have every reason to be proud of their short life of protest... because, without doing anything else, they have stabbed a punch at the table of today’s formal and absolutely deficient democracy and have touched as they have touched. But it all points out that this will go further, not least because the crisis will continue to shake a lot, not least because we will probably never return to the economic situation in 2007.

How far can this M15 reach? Who knows, or perhaps suspect, I will tell you that it will remain between revolution and reform, as the most joker do. Like almost all the movements that since 1917 have wanted to fundamentally change society in Europe. In this world the real changes

are expensive, for the Basques, for the Greeks, for the Egyptians and also for the youth of Sol of Madrid.Estos young and not so young also have reasons to walk with pride and care: from the movement to parliament, the most honest democrats will ask them the way; and the true revolution, the most radical. From within, they will also have to guess where the respect and contempt of the citizens lies: The Barcelona Parliament was very far removed from this recognition of public opinion. Fundamentally, as always: because of its variety, because of the need to get right in a short time and inevitably - with all eyes above it - and because whoever wants, instead of seeing the forest, always sees the tree.

And yet, there are always mysteries left that even science finds inexplicable. For example: The Diario de Navarra offered a wide space and a suitable treatment for the demonstration last Sunday in Pamplona, when the closing conference of the Plaza del Castillo was first in Basque and slogans were published in Basque. And yet there is always the possibility of hopes and alliances for so many others.

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