New attack on the nation and society
Juan Mari Arregi 2011ko ekainaren 16a

The labour, pension and collective bargaining reforms imposed by the Spanish Government – waiting for the latter to be dealt with in the Spanish Parliament – are anti-social and anti-national for Basque citizenship. The reform of collective bargaining, which was introduced last week after the break between CCOO, UGT and the Spanish employers, has led to a new attack on the workers, which will bring more labor flexibility and job insecurity, and many benefits to the interests of the employers. There has also been aggression and a violation of the Basque Framework for Labour Relations. In other words, an aggression and a violation of the Basque Framework of Decision. It is therefore an attack on the right to decide how and where to negotiate the working conditions of our workers and trade unions.

The Basque nationalist syndicalism was manifested in Madrid, together with that of the Canary Islands, Catalonia and Galicia, in order to demand that the framework of decision for collective bargaining be respected. That is when they denounced what has happened. Thus, the reform of the collective bargaining imposed has favored the monopoly of the representation of the CCOO and UGT unions in the Basque Country. The employers and the administration will take advantage of a bureaucratic and pactist syndicalism, which will entrench the demanding and mobilizing syndicalism of Euskal Herria and other peoples of the Spanish State. In the same way, the reform has created a bureaucratic structure from top to bottom and has prevented the nationalist syndicalism, the majority in Euskal Herria, from collective bargaining in his country.

This reform must now pass through the Spanish Parliament. Those who defend the Basque Framework of Decision have an excellent opportunity to put this defence into practice, against a reform of collective bargaining that affects the quality of life of the Basque working class.