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Mondragon Taldea eta Bankoa-Ipar Kutxa

Krisiaren testuinguruan, astero ez da izaten finantza eta ekonomia albiste onik Euskal Herrian. Horregatik, nabarmendu nahiko genituzke joan den asteak ekarri dizkigun bi notizia esanguratsu: Mondragon Taldeak etekinak eta lanpostuak berreskuratu ditu, eta Ipar Kutxak eta Bankoak banku entitate berria sortu dute. Finantza arloko euskal lurraldetasunaren egituraketarako, eta Mondragon Taldeak lanpostuak berreskuratzeko duen eragiteko gaitasunerako, bide onetik doazen albisteak dira biak ala biak.

Mondragon Taldeak (85.066 enplegu,  horietatik 36.950 Hego Euskal Herrian) 178 milioi euroko etekinak izan zituen 2010ean, aurreko urtekoak hirukoiztuz. Industrian berreskuratu zuen enplegua, 1.378 lanpostu gehiago hain zuzen ere. Nazioartean hedatzearen eta berrikuntzaren alde egin zuen beste behin ere. Emaitza on horiek ez ditu izan neurri ekonomiko eta finantzarioengatik soilik, baita langileek onartutako neurri sozialengatik ere. Mondragon Taldeko industria arloak hobetzen badu, bere inguruak ere hobetuko du, besteengan eragiteko duen ahalmenagatik.

Bi euskal finantza entitate txikik, Bankoak eta Ipar Kutxak, erabaki dute euskal banku erakunde berria sortzea. Credit Agricole frantsesa buru duela, eta egoitza sozialak Bilbon eta Donostian dituela, Euskal Herri osoan arituko da. 132 sukurtsal eta 667 langile izango ditu. Bi erakundeek beste batzuen kontrakoa egin dute, aurrezki kutxa batzuk Espainiako Estatura hedatu baitira –BBK Cajasurrekin batu zen eta CAN Banca Cívicarekin–. Ea Ipar Kutxaren eta Bankoaren mugimendu honen buruan, noizbait, euskal aurrezki kutxen fusioa datorren, eta horrela, Euskal Herriaren interesen zerbitzura egongo den finantza erakunde indartsua sortzen den.


2011ko ekainaren 12a
The challenge of shortening the working day even more than 37.5 hours per week

The year 2025 will lead to a general policy of establishing shorter working weeks, bringing low costs for new hires for companies and an effective direction of change in labour relations.

With the aim of complying with the Spanish government agreement, the reform to shorten the... [+]

2025-02-04 | Euskal Irratiak
Euskara hutsezko haurtzain-etxea irekiko dute Aiherran

Nafarroa Beherean, Aiherrako 'Beltzegitea' etxean kokatuko da Eguzkilore haurtzain-etxe berria. Euskara, natura eta motrizitate librea oinarri harturik, heldu den apirilean hasiko dira zerbitzua eskaintzen.

Iñigo Cabacas Herri Harmaila
“Jazarpena azken urte eta erdian areagotu da”

Iñigo Cabacas Herri Harmaila taldea eta Athleticen arteko harremana nahaspilatuta dago azkenaldian. Iñigo Cabacas Herri Harmailako Iñigorekin hitz egiteko aukera izan dugu astelehenean.

The Government is asked to intervene in the face of the exclusion suffered by children in the library of Deba
Several citizens of Deba have sent a massive letter to the Basque Library Service responsible for the management of public libraries, asking it to intervene in the face of the discriminatory regulations of the local library. Children under 6 years of age can only stay in the... [+]

2025-02-04 | Gedar
On the 21st, three people will be sentenced in Vitoria for facing eviction
They demand prison sentences of up to four and a half years and fines of up to 25,000 euros for the defendants. Four years ago, they tried to stop an eviction on Herrandar Street.

2025-02-03 | ARGIA
China, Canada and Mexico begin to respond to new US tariffs
The tariffs ordered by Donald Trump have entered into force: Canada and Mexico will have 25% and China will have 10%. Canada will respond with tariffs of the same amount. Mexico rejects the assertion by the United States Government that the United States has ties to criminal... [+]

The Sorionekua movement calls for the fulfillment of the bridges of Navarre by May 10 in favor of the Basque language
Building "bridges of the future", they emphasize that "in these turbulent times" the pro-Basque voices must be heard aloud from now on: "It's time to give him the treatment, the place, that belongs to the Basque language."

2025-02-03 | ARGIA
More than 160,000 people take to the streets in Berlin to demand the installation of a “firewall” to the extreme right
On Saturday tens of thousands of citizens demonstrated in Berlin and throughout Germany. On the eve of the general elections on 23 February, they demanded that the other parties and especially the conservative CDU party cut off all contact with the far-right AfD party.

2025-02-03 | Estitxu Eizagirre
The company informs the City Council of Zizurkil that they will not install wind turbines in Ezkeltzu
Green Capital has notified Zizurkil City Council verbally of its decision to "definitively cancel" the Ezkeltzu project. The City Council welcomed the cancellation of the project, which "raised serious doubts about the damage it could cause to the environment, landscape and... [+]

The LGBTIQ+ community fills the streets of Argentina against Milei
Mass demonstrations were held on Saturday in various cities in Argentina. President Javier Milei has called LGBTIQ+ people “pedophiles” at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Greenpeace takes action against Urdaibai project at the Guggenheim Museum
On Sunday afternoon, about 30 Greenpeace members took action against the Urdaibai project at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. They represent ten plants and animal species.

2025-02-03 | Nicolas Goñi
Wildlife doesn’t return to depopulated rural areas as expected
Over the past 75 years, 4 million square kilometres of agricultural land have been abandoned in the world ' s peripheral rural areas. If hitherto they have been abandoned mainly for economic reasons, climate change will increasingly lead to them. Could this massive but... [+]

2025-02-03 |
La Rochelle faces the provocation of the ultra-right
The fascist Vox party announced its intention to install an “information desk” in the Rochapea district of Pamplona, and they have met with the rejection of a diverse working-class neighborhood that “does not want fascists on the streets.” There have also been VOX’s in... [+]

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