Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Balance between sensitivity to roots and firmness

  • BE ::Our cold winters Self-production of :: 48'44´´ The price is: 10€
IZATE Gure negu hotzak.
IZATE Gure negu hotzak.
The quartet of Donibane-Ziburu has made three long years since the launch of his work in Estreina and this time he has made a significant leap with his second job. Like many other bands from the North and France, the darkness and tenacity of post-hardcore have been deeply internalized and have reminded me of several bands from both Dischord and Amphetamine Reptile Records, due to the rich rhythmic bases and special atmospheres achieved. On top of that, the skill and sensitivity that they show to work on acoustic and folky stretches, of the earth, much more rested, is curious. Moreover, in some cases these two tendencies are combined in the same song. It is also worth mentioning the ease with which the singer Claire works on very different records. A very interesting group from the North dedicated to self-production.
"Musika tradizionalak segitzen du bizirik, gizartearen modernizatzearekin ongi moldatuz"

“Atzo galdutakoa bihar irabaziko dugu, baina lehenik onartu egin behar da galtzea”.
Hain luzea izan da “negua”?

Bai. Atzo galdutakoa bihar irabaziko dugu, baina lehenik onartu egin behar da galtzea; momentu zailak geroko pozarekin lotuak dira. Gure negu hotzak kanta Euskal Herriaren egoeraren metafora da. Negu hotzean luzaz murgildurik egon da, baina udaberria negua gainditzen ari da bere fruituekin. Disko hau egiteak luze eman digu eta egiaztatu ahal izan dugu sufrimendu eta pozaren arteko lotura.

Bizitzaren begiak amatasun/aitatasunari buruzko kanta ederra da…
Bai, taldeko kideen familiak handitu dira, eta omenalditxo bat egin nahi genien. Aita bilakatzeak bizitzari ematen diozun zentzua sakonki aldatzen du: zure interesak defenditzeko bizi baino, zure haurrenak babesteko.

“Baina ez da betiko” diozue. Adin muga dauka rock-and-rollak?
Rock-and-rolla libertate momentu oso intentso baina motza da. Hala ere, ez du adinik. Alderantziz, musika horren indarrak ongi entretenitzen ditu gorputzak eta buruak. Horren froga dira berrikitan ikusi ditugun AC-DC, No Means No, edo Niko Etxart.

Beti dago “beste bat” (zoritxarrez)?
Bai, denen baitan beti dago beste bat. Alde ilun bat daukagu denek. Bakoitzak bere buruari hori aitortu behar dio bakea lortzeko.

Oso deigarria iruditzen zait Iparraldeko taldeek, sonoritate gogorrak lantzeko trebezia izateaz gain, ildo akustiko eta folkyenarekin konektatzeko duzuen erraztasuna…
Bai, oso naturalki barneratzen ditugu eragin horiek; ez dugu baitezpada rock-and-rolla entzuten soilik. Euskal Herrian aktibo dago musika eszena, bai gaztetxeetan, aretoetan eta baita herriko plazetan eta karriketan ere. Musika tradizionalak (kantaldi, euskal kanta, pastorala) segitzen du bizirik, gizartearen modernizatzearekin ongi moldatuz. Digestio lana oso luzea da, baina guk segituko dugu ildo akustikoa lantzen eta sonoritate pisuagoekin gurutzatzen.

The official who approved the license of the San Sebastián pier and his son have been working together on “at least four more”, they say
The neighborhood association Vida en Parte Vieja has denounced irregularities regarding many of the licenses of Parte Vieja, as well as denouncing that "the beneficiary" is "always" the hospitality industry. They asked for explanations and responsibilities.

2025-01-27 | Julene Flamarique
Renewable energy beats fossils in EU electricity generation in 2024
Electricity production from gas has declined for the fifth year, and overall fossil electricity generation is at an all-time low, according to Ember’s European Electricity Review.

Watering in winter
In February, when we are in the middle of winter, the priority is to have a well-watered body. Just like the walnut is doing: it uses the roots as a reservoir in winter, it needs short and thick roots to collect water and nutrients from the soil.

A powerful hunter with a weak appearance
The largest insects currently inhabiting the planet Earth may be about 30 cm in size, about one-sixth of a human being. These include giant butterflies and moths or fat beetles. In the face of such amazing creatures, how can one look at a creature of just four centimeters? The... [+]

2025-01-27 | Jakoba Errekondo
Herbs of the pig
Winter is the season of pig slaughter. The cold will make it easier to get rid of the heat. If only we could get rid of the heat when we talk about pigs, too!

2025-01-27 | Garazi Zabaleta
The network of seeds
Place of collection and dissemination of the seeds of the village Itsasun
The Association of the Earth of Tomorrow (BLE) of the Northern Basque Country has been working for years on cultivated biodiversity. “We have several projects underway, one of which revolves around the seeds of the garden,” explains Nico Mendiboure, a member of the Seed... [+]

'Itoiz, udako sesioak' filma
“Itoizek eragindako emozioen bideari eutsi diogu, Juan Carlosek egin duen benetako prozesua jaso dugu”

Itoiz, udako sesioak filma estreinatu dute zinema aretoetan. Juan Carlos Perez taldekidearen hitz eta doinuak biltzen ditu Larraitz Zuazo, Zuri Goikoetxea eta Ainhoa Andrakaren filmak. Haiekin mintzatu gara Metropoli Foralean.


AHT Pause denounces the existence of situations of slavery in the works of the AVE of Navarre
The workers of the fast train that is being built in Navarre denounce that they are in a state of slavery during the press conference of the association AHT Pause in Pamplona.

The fight between Trump and Democratic prosecutors may hinder the deportation of migrants
John C. from USA Judge Coughenoiur has approved a joint appeal filed by the states of Washington, Arizona, Illinois and Oregon, rejecting Donal Trump’s decree to expel children of non-legal migrants born in the United States.

2025-01-24 | Julene Flamarique
Burlada denounces the eviction of a woman victim of gender-based violence and her five children
The Socialist Housing Union explains that the social services have not offered any alternative, even if the person concerned has made more than one request. “Before the law, the aggressor and the institutions” denounce the total helplessness that this woman suffers.

“Feminist nationalism is the only option”
Professor and literary critic Júlia Ojeda has come to present the book Màtria o barbàrie (Angle Editorial) at the Casa de las Mujeres in San Sebastián. The 30 Catalan women who have participated in the book propose the construction of the matrix with a focus on nationalist... [+]

June Egino (GKS)
"The austerity policies imposed as a result of the wars hit the workers hard"
The Youth Socialist Coordinator is organising a demonstration on Saturday in Pamplona and Bilbao under the slogan ‘Against War and Fascism’.

Eguneraketa berriak daude