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Even in the town halls, to the great horde

  • To get an idea of the magnitude of the wave generated by Bila in the municipal elections, it is enough to see the almost monochrome map of Gipuzkoa. As a result of the rise of the assemblies, the PNV has lost its hegemony in many localities, although paradoxically this has also increased in votes. The PSOE has been punished by the crisis, to the point of losing some important villages of the Left. In Navarre, the PP’s bite to the UPN has been very slight. And most people have moved on to the little one in this game.
EAJk boto kopuruz gora egin du apur bat udal hauteskundeetan, baina zinegotzi ugari galdu du Bilduren gorakadaren eraginez. Aitzitik, Bizkaian udalerri nagusienak mendean dituzte jeltzaleek, eta Iñaki Azkunak marka historikoa lortu du Bilbon.
EAJk boto kopuruz gora egin du apur bat udal hauteskundeetan, baina zinegotzi ugari galdu du Bilduren gorakadaren eraginez. Aitzitik, Bizkaian udalerri nagusienak mendean dituzte jeltzaleek, eta Iñaki Azkunak marka historikoa lortu du Bilbon.Jon Hernaez / Argazki Press
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The spectacular results of Gipuzkoa are one of the symbols of these municipal elections. Despite the changes that may be caused by the counting of votes by mail, Bila has obtained 43 absolute majorities in the municipalities of Gipuzkoa (Arrasate, Hernani, Bergara, Azpeitia...) and could obtain the mayor's office in another 13 (Tolosa, Zarautz, Errenteria...), according to the records. The new coalition has acquired 441 councillors in Gipuzkoa, which is very high among the 187 councillors of the PNV. The coast of Biscay is also dominated by Bila (Bermeo, Lekeitio, Gernika, Ondarroa...) and is approaching for the first time the number of municipal councillors in that country (524 PNV and 407 PNV). He has won in Álava, Laudio and Agurain, among others. In Navarre it is placed before NaBai in Barranco, Bortzirieta, Baztan... When the Constitutional Court approved the legalization of Reunidos, it was obvious that the restructuring of the seats of the municipalities of the Southern Basque Country would take place, but no one predicted that it would have such a huge increase in the number of votes to reach the number “3” – surpassing the time of the Basque Citizens.

Among the factors to understand the results of the collections could be found the explosion that has occurred after a long period of illegalization. For example, Lazkaon (5,000 inhabitants) After 12 years, the citizens have been able to vote for a delegation of the Patriotic Left, which has ended with a three-decade mandate from the PNV, plus an absolute majority. It has been more bloody (9,000 inhabitants) In 2007, the null votes of the ANV were an absolute majority and the City Council was finally in the hands of a gestor led by the PNV. In this situation, the patriotic left has repeatedly questioned the legitimacy of the municipality. On the 22nd of M, Bila won 60% of the votes in Ondarroa, 9 of the 13 councilors, without doubt what happened in the previous four years has had to do with these results.

The case of EAJ is paradoxical. Compared to 2007, there was an increase in the number of votes, but a decrease in mayors and municipal seats, mainly in Bizkaia (from 634 to 524 councilors). Another consequence of the “collect effect”. One of the few municipalities that has managed to win over the previous ones has won at the expense of the PSE: Sestao and Basauri.

The crisis bill to the PSE-EE

As in the case of Spain, the PSE-PSN has been severely punished by the electorate due to the economic crisis. In Navarre, the PSN has not reduced its municipal representation so much, while in Gipuzkoa, Álava and Bizkaia the decrease has been significant – only 6 municipalities have a majority. The color of the PSE-EE has never been highlighted in the municipal map, but in the municipalities where it usually wins, the population has a great weight. In 2007, socialists won in 7 out of 11 municipalities with more than 25,000 inhabitants, with which they managed 21% of the total budgetary liquidation of the municipalities of the Basque Country. In 2011 the PSE-EE lost Errenteria, Sestao and Basauri – if not prevented by the pacts – and significantly reduced municipal power.

The Left’s municipalities – which in most cases have an unemployment rate of more than 17% – have been hit hard by the crisis, which has affected the socialist results. For example, 21% of the population is unemployed in Sestao (29,000 inhabitants. ), The PSE lost two councillors and 1,300 votes. In any case, it is amazing in Portugalete (48,000 inhabitants) the case, in which the PNV has dropped 1,600 votes and the PSE-EE has kept its electorate; the nationalists should analyze what happened to them in the hometown of Patxi López.

Moving to the small

The polarization that has occurred in the hemicycles of the General Assemblies has also been reflected in the municipalities, with the result that some parties have lost representation in many municipalities. The Aralar and the United Left have noticed a worsening of their individual presentation. In 2007 there were 145 councillors in the coalition and in 2011 Aralar 38 and the EU 13. In addition, two parties remain unrepresented in Alava. Aralar dominates Elgeta by one vote and Zalla (8,000 inhabitants) It was a surprise to get an absolute majority. On the other hand, the coalition of the EU and the Left of the Assemblies of Navarre has slightly eased the decline of both parties, and the 4 seats obtained in Tudela show that they continue to have faithful votes in the Ribera.

The fate of some of the parties that emerged from the divisions has also been evil. The PP has barely scratched the UPN in Navarre –48 councillors compared to 322– and the same could be said of the Elevabat, the division of the EA in Gipuzkoa. The Galdós party has lost all the mayor’s offices that it already had and has moved from a semi-councillor to having 12 councilors.

Door-to-door referendum on garbage collection

Of the 12 councillors that the Elevabat has won, almost half have been seized in towns where door-to-door garbage collection has been established. In these municipalities, some parties have presented these elections as referedum. In any case, it is significant that in Hernani, Usurbil, Oiartzun and even Antzuola, supporters of the door-to-door have emerged victorious, in some cases with a significant increase. Indeed, the excellent results of the Bilbao project in Gipuzkoa could compromise the Zubieta incinerator, as plans to install the door-to-door system in more municipalities would continue and force correlations in the communities and waste consortium could be reversed.

Lasaitasuna Bilbon eta balizko aldaketak Donostian, Iruñean eta Gasteizen

Donostian udal hauteskundeek egoera benetan konplexua utzi dute. Alderdi-Ederreko egoitzan nagusi zein izango den jakitea ez da erraza. Bilduk emaitza historikoa lortu du, Odon Elorzaren 20 urteko nagusitasunarekin amaitu dute koalizioak jasotako 21.000 bozkek. Odon Elorzak berak esan du “deabruzko” emaitzak direla: Bilduk 8 zinegotzi, PSE-EEk 7, PPk 6 eta EAJk 6. Alkate izateko 14 zinegotziren babesa beharko dute hautagaiek. Juan Carlos Izagirre Bilduko alkategaiaren esanetan denekin hitz egiteko prest dago koalizio irabazlea. Bestetik, Elorzak berak kanpainan esan zuen lehen indarra ez bazen, ez zela alkate izango... Dena den, Elorzak askotan erakutsi izan du akordioetara iristeko gerria eta abilezia. Besterik da EAJren eta PPren babesa lortzea, edo lortu nahi izatea.
Gasteizen, lau urteko agintaldi sozialistaren ondoren, zantzu guztiek adierazten dute popularrak berriz itzuliko direla Udalera. Eusko Jaurlaritzako PP-PSE ituna errepikatzea nahikoa litzateke horretarako. PPk askotan erakutsi izan du Arabako botereguneak berreskuratzeko grina, Lakuari emandako babesa horren baitan jartzeraino. Ikusi beharko da baina, EAJk zein rol jokatzen duen horretan guztian, bai Batzar Nagusien eraketan –indar abertzaleak eta EB nagusi lirateke, nahi izanez gero– eta baita Gasteizko Udalean PSErekin edo PPrekin lor ditzakeen akordioetan ere.

Askoz garbiago dago Bilboko gobernu eraketaren lehioa. EAJko hautagai Iñaki Azkunak sekulako erakustaldia eman du eta euskal hiriburu populatuenean izandako emaitzarik onenak lortu dituzte jeltzaleek, gehiengo osoz gainera: 15 zinegotzi izango ditu EAJk Bilbon, eta 75.000 bozka. Bistan da Azkunaren irudiak eta izaerak pisu handia izan duela bilbotar askok EAJko zerrendari bozkatzeko orduan. Datu esanguratsu bat: Bilboko zirkunskripzioan EAJk 11.000 bozka gutxiago jaso ditu Batzar Nagusietarako Udalerako baino. Bestalde, aipagarria da PSE-EEren galera, Bilduren azpitik geratu baita, baina baita PPk 7.000 boto gutxiago jaso izana ere, Iñaki Azkunak arrantza zein lekutan egin duen erakusten dute datu horiek.

Iruñeko kasuan, PSNren borondatearen arabera egongo da, beste behin ere, balizko gobernu aldaketa. PPk ez dio uste bezain beste kendu UPNri, soilik bi zinegotzi. Bestalde, bozka kopuruari dagokionez, bloke navarrista-k (UPN-PSN-PP) dozena bat mila boto galdu ditu eta indar euskaltzaleek (NaBai, Bildu, Ezkerra) zinegotzi bat gehiago dute. NaBai-k eutsi egin dio Bilduren oldeari Uxue Barkosen tiradizoari esker.

2011ko maiatzaren 29a
2025-03-08 | ARGIA
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Badator, esnatu da

Gizakunde (Inauteriak)
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Arizkun eta Erratzun. plazan.


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