Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

I think it's terrible.

  • Some of them ::Orgasmus The House of Applause pages in category::230 The price: 17.50€
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
I have read Orgasmus, and it seems to me more eloquent than the book itself is the conflict that has arisen around this book, trying to make dust. Before reading the book, there were a couple of things that kept me away from an attractive reading: on the one hand, being a commissioned thing, and on the other, being an anthology of stories. Around the story, Julio Cortázar said that the novel earned the reader points as in boxing, and the story with a knock-out.

Therefore, the story must win the reader by blow. And that's so difficult... I'm usually in the anthologies of stories, which only some of the solos get, as it happens in poetry books; and when it comes to commissioning, no matter what. Haratx, a print created by the collection of short stories.

The book was written by eleven women writers. The theme is: Assisted by Erasmus. In all literary systems there are groups of writers, witnesses of this in our own: Pott, Lubaki, the Tropeles and, incidentally, the Erasmus girls. In their own words, they prefer Orgasmus to Erasmus, and their comments on this have been grouped in the reading proposal for an archaeology of the “generation of orgasmus” in the presentation of the book.

It seems terrible to me. But what I have to say on the web is very well received. In it, the comment made by Iraitz Urkulo in El Correo came a stream of reflections from the pen of the writer Iratxe Esnaola and the literary criteria of the feminist critic Josune Muñoz.

The fact is that when women writers manage to get out of the trenches, that is, they barely manage to have 15% in our own literary system, there is said to be more mediatization and boom. In addition, the names are shamelessly given. I find that women are writing, that women are teaching literature in universities, and I find that a few women are working as researchers and that as a result, the invisible has become visible; and this is called the boom, in the same way that the male is natural. Women are writing, there are a few of them, and in addition, some of them have a very elegant pen; and they are making literary life; and they are adding a new perspective, a new look to literature. And that's not the boom. Little by little, women are coming out of the winter like the flowers of San José and in front of this there is the possibility: throw stones, ignore them and condemn them to the winter again, or look naturally at the landscape that the spring offers, because that is where the explosion of color is, there is the password to be able to go from the mosquito to the calendar.

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