Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Munduaren orpoa

Inoizko eta betiko herrian, gauzak oker: urak ez ziren iturrietara heltzen, katuek ez zituzten xoko-bazterrak miatzen. Eta gaiztoena zen gerra zutela gizonek denbora-pasa, kalean nahiz etxean. Arduraturik, lau haizeetako bidegurutzean elkartu ziren bertako andreak.

Umeak eskolan uztetik zetorren Urlia, Zanburutik behera. San Adriango tunela zeharkatuta, aita erresidentzian bisitatzetik, Sandia.

Gizonarentzako bazkaria prestatu eta tupperware batean gorde, hozkailu berriaren faktura ordaindu, alabarentzako mediku-kontsultaren ordua eskatu, eta produktu bio-ekologikoen otzara enkargatzetik, Berendia. Pindo-ko mendi urrunetatik heldu zen Lisistrata, Grezian guduak sugarretan utzita.

Juramentua. Zahar nahiz gazte, garai zein mozkote..., zuriak, beltzak, ilehoriak, beltzaranak..., heterosexualak, homosexualak, bisexualak, transexualak, sexu-joera deskubritu gabekoak..., soldatapean lanean zihardutenak, halakorik ez zutenak, alargun-saria borrokatzen ari zirenak..., senarrek jipoituak, semeek lapurtuak, alabek errefusatuak, apaizek sodomian hartuak...; emakume-mundu oso bat bildu zen lau puntu kardinalen bidegurutze hartara.

Luze aritu ziren emakumeak, auzi eta eleta bizian. Kexa nagusia zen bigarren mailakotzat hartzen zutela gizonek emakumea: azken-putz. Zazpi galtzagorri bezain kexu zeuden denak: zer egin eta zer ez egin, zer komeni eta zer ez, nola irauli egoera. Zelan goldatu patriarkatuaren eskuak ereiten zituen lurrak.

– Gu hilda ere, astoak errotara! –etsitako batek.

Ez zuela zertan. Mundua alda zitekeela. Hobetu. Justuago egin. Berdintasunezko. Denentzako berdina, nori berea emanda.

– Dios! Barrabiletatik harrapatu beharko geniken horietakoren bat...

“Barrabiletatik baino, luzeago duten horretatik harrapatuko ditinagu horiek guztiak”, esan zuen Lisistratak. Eta, gizonak behingoagatik arrastoan sartzeko, honako juramentu hau egitea proposatu zien:

– Ez da ez senar ez amoranterik hurbilduko zaidanik, bat-batean zakila zut hartuta. Etxean, zezenik gabe biziko naiz. Ez diot atseginik emango borondatez, eta bortxaz hartzen banau ez natzaie haren mugimenduei egokituko... ez dizkiot oinak sabairaino jasoko; ez eta lau hankatara jarriko, lehoi-eme baten gisara.

Eta hau hola bazan. Urtebetez bizi izan ziren emakumeak zezenik gabe, ahari eta zaldirik gabe. Berdintasuna nahi zuten andreek. Aintzakotzat hartuak izatea. Bakea, etxean nahiz lanean. Umiliatuak ez izatea. Ez joak, ezta hilak izatea ere. Horregatik juramentua eta greba.

Protesta hura zela eta, urtebetez iraun zuen ortziak ilun eta goibel. Urtebetez egon ziren katuak miau esan barik, txoriak hegaldatu gabe. Elkartasunez.

Munduak behea joko zuela mehatxatu zuen apaizak. Baina, bakarrik geratu zen bere kritika eta oihuekin, sotana beltza lotu ezinik.
Gerrak ez zuela zentzurik, hala esan zuen alkateak. Jubilatu nahi zuela, jeneralak. Gezurrik ez zuela kontatuko, kazetariak. Nebak, ez zuela irainduko arreba. Senarrak, garbigailua jartzen ikasiko zuela. Lapurrak, itzuliko zituela pitxiak.

Eta, bat-batean, txori bat hegaldatu zen, sasietatik ortzira jauzi eginda. Gordelekuetatik atera ziren katuak. Eguzkia ikusi zuten inoizko eta betiko herri hartan. Zanburura itzuli zen Urlia. Hermuara, Sandia. Fakturak jaurti zituen surtara Berendiak. Korinto hartu zuen begietan Lisistratak.

2025-02-19 |
Yala Navarra calls for demonstration on 22 February
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2025-02-19 | Irutxuloko Hitza
The Twentieth Anniversary Event of the Holy Word in Images
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Galeperra will not be declared to be in danger of extinction and will therefore be hunted, as confirmed by the Spanish government
The quail declared to be in danger of extinction since 2022 will no longer be declared that way. The notification has been issued by the Spanish government using information provided by the hunter lobby.

“The Basque immersion is under attack with the dissemination of the PAI model”
The union STEILAS has filed an appeal against the court order to increase the hours of English and reduce the hours of Basque. “They’re putting the submersion in a serious hole,” they say.

Worker killed by truck on AP-15 highway in Navarre
The accident took place at noon, at kilometer 25, in the vicinity of the town of Martzilla in Navarra. He is the seventh lager to die in 2025.

A meeting will be held in front of the EITB headquarters in Bilbao to demand the relocation of management positions
"The Basque EITB, starting with the direction!" Under the slogan, the meeting will take place on Tuesday 25 February, convened by the unions ELA, LAB and ESK of the EITB, as well as the initiative Modify the Script.

The UPN of Estella interrupts the program of bertsolarismo of the schools
The complaint has been made by the association Gara, which works to promote the Basque language in Estella: "The capacity for creation is enhanced and critical thinking is cultivated, all from a playful perspective, based on enjoyment."

88% of young people in the UAE believe that mental health treatments should be in charge of Osakidetza
The Future Game project has carried out research on the mental health of young people in the Basque Country. 87.7% of 18-35 year-olds think that mental health treatment should be undertaken by public health; 64.5% think that their opinion is not taken into account when talking... [+]

US and Russia meet today in Saudi Arabia as Europe watches sideways
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the two powers have not sat back at the same table. They will negotiate how to end the war. However, the President of Ukraine has said that he will not accept anything that is agreed at this table, since he has not been invited.

Guggenheim Urdaibai: who listens to whom and for what?

In 2021 we began to hear the first echoes of the Guggenheim Urdaibai project. The then General Manager Unai Rementeria told us that it would be done yes or yes. To reinforce his claims, he left 40 million euros “shielded” by the time the museums were built. There it is!... [+]

Teacher sentenced to four years in prison for sexual abuse of student at Txingudi Ikastola
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A cryptocurrency scam plunges Milei into a crisis
The president of Argentina called on social networks to invest in a cryptocurrency called $LIBRA. Although at one point it reached a value of 4.5 billion euros, after a few hours the cryptocurrency hit the bottom and caused many losses in customers.

2025-02-18 | Mikel Aramendi
When Economic Fluctuations Come to the Banquet: The Rice Crisis
If U.S. tariffs weren’t heady enough, a rather naive piece of news from last week has sent waves of tremors to the food tables of a large part of the world: The Japanese government has ordered the marketing of 210 thousand tons of strategic rice stocks to counter the... [+]

March 3rd is celebrated "freely"
The unions ELA, LAB, ESK and STEILAS and M3 have called for a “popular and socially plural” memory day to be held “without repression.” It is a request addressed to the Basque Government, "unlike last year", which has been asked to guarantee the right to demonstrate this... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude