I Genuine, spontaneous, which is produced by two zymes that have been kept alive by the “ration” gene generation. Andoni distinguishes between the wise and the great, but I notice that the verse is beginning to “degenerate”: Bertsolarismo has nothing to do with genitalia, whereas lately everything is gender, nothing more. |
IV Although they are the first to socialize the subject in verses, these gender issues are not exclusive to women. Find no two “wine men” who have the same taste, or all of them who come in glass male bodies; surely they have been pickled by those who can never complain of being bodily males. |
II The women suffered when the missa was only with five lackeys in the six-session geriza of machismo, while today the gray photograph of the hour is in the attic and we act on the stage both Apollo and Artemis. What matters is whether it’s between your legs or a pee, gender is not the bathroom in which you have to pee. |
V Jon Sarasua has just made an incredible exclusive for the bertsolaris of the last grand final of the BEC: “most of the verses could be exchanged between them” Mobida 8-O!! ! Not everyone has the same genre from dinner to festival, but when you have fourteen thousand people watching... well, maybe some genres are generalized... |
III We’re starting with women’s humorous moods talking about how they might be comical in the performing arts. I have found examples in the Veteran’s Championship, in the Cabaret, in the schools of verses full of girls... and I believe, based on the words of others, that we are putting ointment on closed wounds. |
VI Despite the uncontrolled turning of the winds of reflection, it is time to start putting queer theories into practice. 1) Luck made us all different and equal. 2) The next generation has no gender wounds. Let’s forget about past remorse and phobia so that gender-based violence has no other meaning. |
The melody is: “The lawyer just told me.”
Send your lots to bertsoak@argia.eus. We will post the selected ones on this page.
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