Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
Filma ikustera joan ginen. Zaleak gara, zinematik asebeteta gutxitan irteten garen horietakoak. Karteldegian genuen aukeratan, hau genuen ustez gustukoena, egokiena. Ez zigun huts egin. Euskaraz egin izanak ere izango zuen bere indarra gure erabakian, nekez izaten baita karteldegian aleren bat. Sala ilunean sartu ginen filma hasteko puntuan presaka. Aurre samar aurkitu genuen lekua, aretoaren erdia beteta zegoenaren seinale. Lehen minututik harrapatu gintuen filmaren gordinak, kartzelaren hotzen berri zekartzanak, herri honetan bere presentzia hain ohikoa denak, bukaeratik puska batera abandonatu ez gintuenak.

Ez da esfortzu nimiñoena egin behar, han deskribatzen direnak konpartitzeko eta bizitzeko. Agintarien eta beren morroien jukutriek eragindako minek minduta, musika izan nuen sendagai, bertako emakumeen egoera latzen eramangarri, musika sortzailea psikiatra bailitzan giza dramen putzu sakonen itogarrien jakitun. Filmaren bukaeran, azken hizkia joan bitartean argi ezak lagundu zigun arnasa gure onera ekartzen, isiltasunean inor ez zen mugitu filmak jarraitu izan balu bezala. Eta irtetean, nago, ikusleen arteko konplizitate ez aitortuak lagundu gintuen etxeraino. Balio izan zuen bidaiak, Saturraran ez daukagu urrun.

You are interested in the channel: Emakumeak eta errepresioa frankismoan
Kept in memory and in heart, they will continue to expand Saturraran's history.
Organized by the Saturraran Association, he met this Saturday on Memorial Day in the vicinity of the Saturraran Women's Prison, between 1939 and 1944, to remember and pay tribute to imprisoned women and children.

The streets of Chantrea are dressed in the name of women repressive by Franco
The decree signed by the City of Pamplona contains the result of three years of work. The initiative that emerged from the neighborhood will allow the designation of seven streets and three squares.

2023-03-28 | Antxeta Irratia
In Irun they work to recover the memory of thousands of nationalist women who repatriated
From 1922 to II. The Union of Abertzales Women has organized in Irun an exhibition summarizing the history of 23,000 women during the World War.

Government seeks in Extremadura relatives of prisoners who died in Orduña prison for genetic identification
A delegation from the Basque Government in the field of memory seeks in Extremadura relatives of deceased prisoners in Orduña prison for the genetic identification of exhumated remains from the cemetery of the town. Saturday will present the work done in Castuera (Badajoz).

2022-10-06 | Antxeta Irratia
Emakume errepublikarrek kartzela frankistetan bizitako umiliazioak Irungo Oiasson ikusgai

Emakumeen egoera 1936ko estatu kolpearen ondoko urteetan isilean iragan bada ere, "emakume izanagatik" kartzeletan pairatu zutena argitara eman nahi du Papillons, esangabeko hitza erakusketak Irunen.

2021-08-04 | Euskal Irratiak
Memoria historikoaren bulegoa aurkeztu dute Irunen

Oraindik, ez dago zabalik, baina irailaren 13tik aurrera, erabili ahal izango da.

2021-07-20 | Josu Chueca
Emakumeak II. Errepublikan: Ikurra baino gehiago?
Gizonezkoen eta emakumezkoen arteko berdintasunaren bidean, emakumeen botoaren errebindikazioa garrantzitsua bezain adierazgarria suertatu da azken bi mendeetan. Izan ere sufragistek burututako ekintzak eta protestak oihartzun goiztiarra izan zuten Amerikako Estatu Batuetan edo... [+]

The City Hall will collect the lives of the amezketarras between 1936 and 1945
The City Hall, in collaboration with Aranzadi, wants to carry out a “in-depth” study of what happened in Amezketa during the 1936 war and the first Franco, in order to gather testimonies.

24 October
On October 24, 2019, for some you may have a gap in the epilogue of General Franco’s biography. For others, it will be claimed as the commemorative triumph of Spanish democracy. Although there are, and in Spain (or in Euskal Herria) there are not few things that do not care... [+]

The prison of Amorebieta, a tomb of living beings
Amorebieta (Bizkaia), August 1939. The Central Women’s Prison of Amorebieta-Etxano was set up in the building currently housed by El Carmelo School, and from all over the Spanish State, “very dangerous” women were moved to the Franco regime.

Eider of God
"Household employees are the most invisible among the invisible."
In her doctoral dissertation, historian Eider of God analyzed the evolution of domestic service around the construction of the identity of working women. His doctoral thesis was defended in September 2016 and has received two awards for his work. Therefore, he has published a... [+]

2018-04-26 | Arabako Alea
Tribute to the patriotic leader Luis Alava, who organized the network of resistance against Franco’s regime
On May 5th, the ceremony will be held in honour of Luis Alava Sautu in Vitoria. He was shot 75 years ago in Madrid, where he was the organizer of the Araba Network of Resistance to Franco.

Tribute to Maravillas Lanberto in his hometown of Larraga
Larragan pays tribute to the neighbor who was raped and murdered by the Francoists: The Maravillas Lanberto Ioldi. There was singing, music and theatre in the village.

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