I Probably first started on four legs, standing up through the world of habit. The next thing to do is to cultivate intelligence, the first lame person in human history. |
II. As the Thought went on, he disagreed on the same level as the others: Put your desires on everyone else in the way you want them forever. |
III Because he was cultivating this intelligence everywhere, one hungry for power also the other. The man who had hitherto become a member or brother became the enemy of the man. |
IV In the beginning he was a four-legged animal, he would want his world goods. Reason is of no use to him, force reigns, and money reigns. |
V From Eternity he has made the mistakes that the rich dream entailed without measuring too much. This has led to terrible consequences: we have been contaminated by the stench of soda. |
VI When the wallet has been filled at the expense of another, he would like to come out of this simple world: He's come to the moon, maybe to Mars, even if his brothers are forced to eat mud. |
VII It will be in vain that the good will and the love of his people or his place of origin should not be defended otherwise... We have made a world without a heart. |
VIII. Civilly forgetting the importance of armaments given to military forces. Add prisons to the little murderers, clap hands to the big ones and put on the medals. |
IX Reparation in the church or in politics: they will promise us in politics but they will be close in the pilot money, the little ones in the knot of the manger. |
X They offer us fourteen in a dozen, but all the law and all the rules. This is a reversal of the desire for advanced fasting in the pastry beyond the sour. |
XI Everything is urgent and everything suffocates, betting on becoming the life of each one. Haven't we exaggerated our heads? Fill it with bad milk, empty it of humor. |
XII What is there to be concerned about, and what is to be grieved that we have not reached the end? What should have been everyone’s example: this damned land has been burned by man. |
Doinua: Mutil koxkor bat.
Urte askoan gurea izan da
abundantzien bailara
zenbat familia joan ote da
orain langabeziara?
Mahaian dago eztabaidagai
zer ginen eta zer gara
alfer alferrik izango dira
hemen ERE eta Hara!
Mentalitate aldaketa bat
ematen ez... [+]
Melody: Millet.
What pedagogical innovation for?
academic result will be measured,
equality will
be valued and the
mito.El low level of the Basque
is higher
than the Spanish...
The geroglyph that
One, big and free of dew,
drinking and clicking are things... [+]