Harrobia Zuzen
The account began on the radio program Sector Rock of Popular Radio. Inaxio Esnaola and Gregorio Gálvez (see Iker Barandiarán’s interview in Luz n° 2.245) conducted the session until May of this year – that is, until the incorporation of Popular Radio in Noticias – but they had other purposes besides their pre-microphone work. Encourage concerts, for example. In San Sebastian they wanted to make room for the Basque Country teams and the first attempt was made in October last year with Dokan, Grises and Focusin. For Esnaola, Easo Bella needs it, because although there are many concerts in the city, and they offer the opportunity to meet interesting external groups, they do not leave too much space for local groups. “Looking at the navel: that was the goal we had then, because now the trend has become to do the
opposite.” This goal was embodied in another radio program: Before Sector Rock disappeared from the waves, the Harrobia program was underway on the Popular Radio itself, this time by Captain Esnaola alone. The recipe is different from the program he did with Gálvez: the journalist from San Sebastián puts less dialogue and more music; and it is done in pure Basque, instead of the previous bilingual model. This summer, Esnaola began her second season on Info Seven, but she couldn’t help but say that she was born in Sector Rock: As he continued his passion to enrich the panorama of concerts in San Sebastian with bands from the Basque Country, this October he will launch the Harrobia Directa project, with a concert that will be offered by Willis Drummond and Yelow Page in Doka. “The aim is to bring significant groups from the Basque Country scene together with groups from the San Sebastián area, beginners, or at least those who have not made a long career.”
The chance to play, yes, but...
Why a concert schedule dedicated to the bands that are taking their first steps? Is it as difficult to play live as it used to be for novice bands? The Vigil doesn't believe it. “I would say that this era has passed: both of the difficulties of recording and of performing live. Today there are places to play, from bars to self-managed venues.” But in any case, for him, San Sebastián is not the ideal city, because there are not too many places to play live. He also draws a picture of the situation in the south: “In Vitoria-Gasteiz there is more and more movement; it has been in Bilbao, but it seems that now, in terms of rookie teams, it has fallen a little; in Navarre the account is half dead...” It is not
a situation that fans and teams would dream of, but the fact that there are more free promoters and the democratization of technical resources, among other things, have contributed to a better situation. Although the ways of making, playing and disseminating music have been greatly facilitated, the problem is different: “Do those who are just starting out have a chance to spread their music to people? Because, yes, they can play concerts; they can do a thousand concerts in a village, but if no one hears them it is useless.” Snaola
points to the nail of the matter: protection. In addition to the organization of concerts, the inauguration of new proposals in the press and radio. However, the San Sebastián journalist does not believe that the obese part of the blame is that of the information guilt in its entirety. He talks about the devaluation of culture in society and the attitude that the people of the street have taken towards it. “Today it’s either New Haven or Ken Seveni, and people are moving. But Sorotan Babies will not be visited by more than 100 people.” So the chances of playing are, but those who can go to concerts don’t have wide ears for their proposals.
Rock based, but without limits
The concert series Harrobia Directa has been born without style limitations, but it will be based on rock. The first concert is like this, although there are two different ways of understanding music that Willis Drummond and Yelow Page will take to the stage. A more direct proposal from the Lekorn team, while Yelow Page, who drinks from post-rock, approaches Fugazi and Radiohead, says Esnaola.
“We don’t rule out pop; there will also be metal – a little less, yes – but we haven’t thought about including jazz bands, or soula, or soloists for the moment... But it can be created, and it would have space. We don’t have borders.” Although it is absolutely to be determined, there will be concerts of Harrobia Direct in Doka once a month. Esnaola would like to organize at least six sessions a year and try to do more if possible.
Donostian aretoak behar dira
Dokan izango dira Harrobia Zuzeneko kontzertu guztiak. Antiguako aretoak badaramatza urteak martxan, talde asko pasa dira, baina problemak ere ez dira falta izan. Urrutirago joan gabe, aurtengo uztailean Udalak aretoko bafleak zigilatu zituen, ordutegiz kanpo bolumena handiegia zela argudiatuta. Gipuzkoako hiriburuan ez dira gehiegi kontzertuak eskaintzeko aukera ematen duten lokalak, eta Esnaolak uste du Udalak ez duela apustu berezirik egiten horren alde. “Dauden beste baliabide batzuk erabiltzeko ere ez dira gauzak errazten” azaldu du, eta Gazteszena aipatu. Edonola, Donostian Doka bezalako zerbait behar zela uste du kazetariak, bai taldeei eta bai ikusleei baldintza egokiak eskaintzen dizkielako.
Eszena ez da behar bezala ezagutzen
Maiz entzuten da: Euskal Herrian musika egin bai, baina noiztik ez da talde interesgarririk atera? Tankerako adierazpenak egin zituen Kaki Arkarazok maiatzean Berrian egindako elkarrizketa batean: “Faltan botatzen dut belaunaldi berriak gauza berriak eskaintzea, eta gazte jendea mugitu, oldartu edo motibatuko duten proposamen berriak. Lehen baziren boladak, eta agertzen ziren talde berriak”.
Negu Gorriak taldeko gitarra-jotzaile ohia kexu zen, Berri Txarrak eta Ken Zazpi direlako azken talde garrantzitsuak, eta hamarkada osoa pasa delako sortu zirenetik. Esnaolak, horri buruz galdetuta, bestelako iritzia agertu du. Bere esanetan talde interesgarriak badira, izan. Ezagutzera ematea falta zaie. “Euskal Herriko eszena ez da behar bezala ezagutzen, baina badira talde oso interesgarriak. Beste batzuek, Arkarazok dioen moduan, patroi batzuk jarraitzen dituzte. Eta agian rockean ez zaizu talde originalik sortuko, zaila da, baina nazioartean berdin; indie estiloan sor daitezke gauza originalagoak, baliteke nazioartean egiten denaren antzekoak izatea, baina Euskal Herrian landu gabeko estiloak dira, azken finean”.
Eta fenomeno hori ere ez da berria Esnaolaren ustez. Hemen beti berdina gertatu dela dio, musika elektrikoa eta distortsioa sartu zirenetik: “Kanpoko erreferentziak baliatu izan dira beti, eta horrela jarraitzen dugu. Baina hala izanda ere, batzuek asmatu dute pauso bat ematen”. Berri Txarrak aipatu du, euskal taldeen artean; baina ingelesez ari direnak ez ditu ahaztu: We Are Standard, Delorean... “Arkarazoren irakurketa ulertzekoa da, neurri batean egia da; baina era berean, jendeak ez du eszena ezagutzen. Eta pena da, sortzen den iritzia ez delako bidezkoa”