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Matt Simmons, propagandist of “Peak Oil”

  • Matthew Simmons, a wealthy oil consultant and famous propagandist of the Peak Oil theory, appeared drowning in the tub on August 8. Death gives the whistleblower of great conspiracies a suspicious ending. By failing to make predictions in recent years, everyone has acknowledged that he pioneered ideas for understanding oil.
Minyanville guneak eskaintzen duen irudian, Matthew Simmons. Sortu zen Utah utzi eta Texasera joanda, egindako lanengatik petrolio konpainien artean itzal handiko gizona izaki, Ilunabarra basamortuan liburuarekin ordura arte enpresarien artean segurutzat jotako ideia askok uzkaildu zituen. Lurpetik petrolioa erraz eta merke eskuratu zireneko garaia bukatzen ari dela erakutsi zuen. 2005ean Peak Oil kontzeptua kasik bitxikeria zen eta gaur, aldiz, erreferentzia nagusietako bat. Estrategiak eta prospektiba egiten dituztenek kontutan hartzen duten datua da. 2007an Simmonsek, petrolio konpainien aholkularitza utzi eta mundu osoan ematen zituen hitzaldiez gain itsasoko energia nola baliatu ikertzeko fundazioa osatu zuen, Ocean Energy Research. Ziur zegoen iraganeko energiak agortzear daudenez etorkizunekoetan saiatu beharra dagoela.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
With oil costing $200 in 2010, Matthew Simmons spent $2,500 on two journalists in 2005. Then it was $65. Three months before the end of this year, Simmons would have to consider them lost if he lived. Experts will say that he was right about the long price of oil in general, but he underestimated the fluctuations of the economy... The financial disaster of 2008 was involved.

This and the other wrongdoings are remembered when the American press’s death notes reveal the death of Simmons. But along with them, they all recognize that it changed the outlook on oil for many of the world’s opinion makers.

In The National of Abu Dhabi, Tamsin Carlisle writes: “Matthew Simmons, who popularized certain conspiracy theories in recent times, has become the subject of so much more after his death. In the final chapter of his spectacular and sometimes surprising career, the energy investment banker and writer, who later became an enthusiastic renewable energy enthusiast, died on Sunday in his bathtub in Maine in an unclear way: The North Haven medical examiner has not clearly stated whether you drowned as a result of a heart attack or whether you suffered a heart attack while drowning. By law, the U.S. gossip mill has quickly become operational and some supporters of conspiracy theories have begun to point out that Simmons’ death has not been natural.” The deceased was indeed controversial,

especially since his release in 2005 of Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy. The oil shock in Saudi Arabia and the world economy). The book caused a huge impact.

Matt Simmons was already a well-known advisor among oil companies, because with his bets on the 1973 crisis, both he and the energy companies that followed his recommendations became rich. He was also an adviser to President George Bush. That’s why when in 2005, using his private database, Simmons explained in his book that Saudi Arabia’s official oil reserves were inflated, that the oil exploitation there had peaked and that it would soon decline... it sparked sparks.
Innately educated, he was a very conservative man. Born in a Mormon family in Utah, he became involved in business from an early age. The biggest jump occurred in 1974. In October 1973, the Arab countries imposed an embargo on oil exports because the Western powers had assisted Israel in the so-called Yom Kippur War. In the gas stations of the world’s rich cities, long lines of cars were seen begging for scarce fuel, the price of oil skyrocketed.Simmons

founded Simmons and Company International at that time, which became a specialty in consulting. Of all the subsequent descents of black gold, he had accumulated an uncommon knowledge. It also enriches the consultancy of large companies.

When do I get $200 in oil?

Matthew Simmons' second youth was brought to him by the book Twilight in the Desert. Announcing that the era of cheap oil was coming to an end and at the same time taking advantage of his very special grace to explain ideas to the public, he gained a place in the media.
“It is curious,” he said, “that we own the largest industry in the world and yet I am one of the few who have noticed that we are facing a huge problem. I found it all in my free time. Isn’t that tragic and absurd?” This conservative, on

the other hand, was increasingly called to conferences by new friends, people concerned about the decline of energy and the Pik Oil theory.

He soon left Simmons and Company and founded the Ocean Energy Institute. Windmills on the high seas, turbines powered by tide, using the energy of currents... I was convinced that the world’s energy appetites could be satisfied from them. “The oceans are the last frontier of energy,” Simmons said. When Ellen’s widow and five daughters die in the funeral note, they ask their friends not to send flowers, so they better give money to the Ocean Energy Institute Foundation that she founded.

But the man had also become a nuisance among new friends in recent times.The Peak Oil movement has always recognized Simmons for his work in revealing the energy crisis that has come, but they were also increasingly angry with the setbacks of recent years.

Two weeks before his death he was written on the site Crisis Energética, a reference in Spanish in terms of topics: “No doubt Matt Simmons has helped a lot to unveil the peak of oil (...) but lately I wonder if it really helps to warn people about

the problem.” Robert Rapier wrote in the Consumer Energy Report on energy:Is Matt Simmons Credible? Rapier had his first discussion with Simmons at the 2008 ASPO meeting – the groups and organizations around Peak Oila that include these acronyms. Simmons said in his speech that after Hurricane Ike there would be a shortage of gasoline in the U.S. until the country’s economy collapsed. Rapier replied that he took advantage of the incorrect data, that he did not analyse the information in the repositories correctly. Time showed that Rapier was right.

Simmons made a much more pronounced petto this summer due to the Macondo or Deepwater Horizon platform that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. That the oil spill could not be controlled, that the BP company would be bankrupt within months, that the only way to close the leak was to detonate a small atomic bomb, that 40% of the Gulf’s surface was polluted, that the coastal states needed to be evacuated, etc. Those that haven't been filled since.

Why such slip-ups? Here is Rapier’s opinion: “Unfortunately, I think he’s on his way to destroying his credibility. I don't think history will judge tenderly when it comes to examining these facts. It’s a pity, because with these sensationalist outbursts in the field, I still believe that peak has correctly guessed what he has said about the main brushstrokes of the hen, the long-term prices and the need to react.” A

friend of this curious conservative has said that he fought to awaken the mundane rather than change the world. Matt Simmons was clear: “The list with the fewest unreplaced sources is dominated by water and oil. Unfortunately, we have wasted them in the 20th century, blinded by cheap prices.” For

more information:
- News of the death of Matthew Simmons at The National written by Tamsin Carlisle -
News on the Chron site - News and reactions to the Simmons death at
Crisis Energetica - Robert Rapier's
Is Matt Simmons Credible on his Consumer Energy Report blog - Simmons
& Company site - Ocean
Energy Institute

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