The night of the Middle Moon
Uxue Alberdi Estibaritz 2010ko uztailaren 28a
a terrible metaphor is
the Turkish flag!
It is red from top to bottom, which
spreads into the air as a threat
in the city of Amed.
It has a half-moon in
addition to the little
star, but is it heaven?
We got out of the plane
and into it, we
took it as a sky that
had been soaked in blood.
II The
beggars mingle with the police
in the streets.
These are the streets: the
children, the eyes, the uniforms
and the hairs on the top.
Silenced words and smoke
snatchers; victors, losers;
shoe cleaners sitting
on sidewalks... It’s
been a long
time since the people’s oppressors have
passed through!
because in North Kurdistan it
was long ago emptied
of peace: filled with sorrow
and sorrow; nothing has been
right in art since this country.
Recently, three children were shot dead with
fire and smoke; the small corpses
that lay on the
ground fell face down at
one last glance... and
since then the Tigris
and Euphrates have been salty.
shouted with applause the old
Mesopotamia for drowning in
tears, because the wood
has the need for the sounds of wood; we put the guitar in the rope that has been tied to their necks... Although the claw of the military lifts, the strength

of the ears
is greater and freedom has been the only
chord we have heard!
V Kalashnikova
in the hand as the
mountain pours fire, tied
two hands... We have received love
and wrath on the left and
on the right.
Lift up your two fingers as an
image of victory!
Take your fists to us!
Although the chain is the bridge
between the towns,
the river seems to
break the border.
You have 11,000 prisoners,
200,000 spies,
the earth drenched
in blood... Freedom has always
been so expensive!
They took away the people, they took away
your eyes, they took away everything!
But the beast will die!
The night is coming to an end and
his time is over:
The sun will rise
when the half-moon disappears!

The melody is:“One horrible, two horrible how many are horrible.”

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