Of the loneliness
Ainhoa Larrañaga 2010ko ekainaren 24a
Loneliness is not fashionable. To say that you are alone or feel alone is a sin in today’s society. In the workplace, in the family, among friends, in your own country or abroad... even surrounded by people, how many times do we feel alone?

I think of jobs that we don’t want and outsiders who have come to operate under conditions of work that we don’t want. Those who do not know the Basque language and have a hard time interviewing with their grandfather or grandmother who take care of it. How many hours together, not knowing what to say and not being able to figure out how to fill the hours that pass for a long time. The stranger is alone, with his hometowns and relatives far away. Even the elderly, alone, in their homeland. The second is at home alone, an even more difficult justification. Has anyone noticed the exclusion of our elders? The main daily task is to walk up and down the streets or on the red roads; well, we treat them as old people who once gave rise to respect and consideration.

Couples relationships also offer countless hours of solitude, forms of loneliness. There are also often severe feelings of loneliness in the spaces we spend next to those we love. Because the relationship is not good or because we live phases of conflict or incommunication with our children. Escaping the crisis of family relations is not easy. This society does not understand, or forgives, taking the time to deal with family crisis situations or opting for a temporary or permanent family break. The tendency to judge is dominant in such cases.

It’s also often a workplace, a favorite space of solitude. Due to problems, misunderstandings, envy or any other reason, we can also be alone among colleagues in the workplace.

And even though loneliness isn't very popular, I'm going to apologize today. The path to loneliness is often a lesson and even in times when we are suffering/enjoying loneliness, we have a unique opportunity to listen to ourselves. There is no outside noise, the silence leads us to hear it through us.

We often come from loneliness. When we have to stay and escape from our daily speed we are forced to stay face to face with loneliness. Then comes the need to answer the questions that remain unanswered in the day to day. Then face to face our truth, our state or our present. There is no departure or task, there is no excuse to escape our real and difficult questions. You can't take a shortcut. The time has come to answer the questions. Only when we are alone with ourselves are we able to answer difficult and profound questions.