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The Catholic Business

Xipri Arbelbide
Dani Blanco
Oh, my God! Ow! That I have learned Ederrik from the goodness of the Church in the past month! [Light number 2.228] If I had known all of them before! When I was a child, I would not give pints of milk every day to the nuns who took care of the sick in Hellas. Because the state didn't pay for nurses back then. My neighborhood didn't have a kilo of apples in one, half a dozen eggs in the other for the nun who was doing school kissing.

Because I've heard that 95% of the girls' schools in the North are created by nuns, I'm going to have to go to Pau's archives as soon as possible to make sure that's how it really was! I'm sure the Troublemakers have been lying to me for 12 years. The church has been restored: That's 70,000 euros! Borrowed by public institutions in 1905, I believe that 75% of the expenses were paid by them. I hope the priest over there doesn't take half that money for himself!

Because with ten euros I spent the day at the Vatican Exhibition Hall, I’m sure if it had been in the hands of Bouyghes I would have entered scarcely. I must confess that a rebellious spirit has told me that I could give this exhibition in ten parts and make the entrance of each one more charitable. What kind of sick people make up to get dirty from the best! Why has the article not told us anything about the billions that Caritas handles? Among other things, they say that 800 African sanatoriums are in charge of the Church, for the care of malaria, AIDS, low-income children and others, know that the lie is that they are all latria. Abbe Pierre and Mère Terexa have taken care of how many millions they haven’t reserved for themselves! My dear mother! Since Pedro Aramendi, the Lasallian friar, has been awarded the Ellakuria Prize by the Basque Government five years ago, he can’t waste his money on Ethiopian pallets, air-conditioned, in the company of beautiful old girls that he will later send to famous footballers like Franck Ribéry. And not for kisses!

In Morocco, in the middle of the Berber nomads, today here, tomorrow there, without the power of light, water and toilets, that Gipuzkoan nun who lives in a house of cloth for 40 years, where has he come to see his family with money two years ago? Now I know: Taken from the goods of the Church!If your friends have told me that some of those who live in the house of the Jesuit

Txema Auzmendi are immigrants and ex-prisoners, could you play that they are police? That's why he's been released without charge. And the guarantee that he has paid, if not of the Church’s goods, from where did he have it?

I had a flash reading that article last May. I was only an innocent human patient until now. Now I see clearly what kind of jukutris I am immersed in.

Oh, thank God.

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