Zupiria, in the case of the injured amateur of the Real Sociedad: "You can't confirm it was a foam shell."
  • The Basque Government Security Council maintains the version maintained so far. On the other hand, he said that Amaya Zabarte, the hobby of the Real Sociedad seriously injured in Anoeta in the football match against the March PSG, did not point out in his statement that an ertzaina has kicked him.
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The judge asked Bingen Zupiria, Basque Government Security Advisor, about the case of the Real Sociedad amateur who was seriously injured in the Champions League match between PSG and Real Sociedad.

The popular leader explained that in the match of 5 March in Donostia-San Sebastian "some incidents against public order began to occur" and that the Ertzaintza had to intervene. In his opinion, the amateur of Real Sociedad "was unintentionally involved in events that he did not provoke".

But he maintains the version previously offered by his predecessor, Josu Erkoreka, and says that "unless new signs appear," it cannot be "confirmed that the injuries suffered by the citizen stem from the launch of a Foam projectile."

The family has denounced that it fell to the ground after receiving a severe blow to the head, and that it could only be produced by a foam shell. The amateur was admitted with a severe prognosis in the ICU, with an internal blood effusion.

Amaya Zabarte was outside the Reale Arena Stadium in Anoeta, looking for coverage for the mobile, when the Ertzaintza launched an offensive. The family has denounced that it fell to the ground after receiving a severe blow to the head, and that it could only be produced by a foam shell. After feeling unwell, the amateur was admitted to the ICU with an internal blood spill, with a severe prognosis and no complications.

A video released in June by Noticias de Gipuzkoa joins the version given by the family. What's more, you can see that one of the Ertzaines kicks the amateur in a corner of the ground. This video has been used by the Ertzaintza to conduct its own internal investigation into the Bateragune case.

Regarding this, Sumar asked Zupiria, who indicated that the video is already part of the attack and is in the hands of the court, but "as an important fact" he stressed that the amateur "did not mention this issue" in his statement and that neither the investigating judge "detected any type of aggression".

The Department of Security has not provided criminal or disciplinary responsibilities for the agents, despite the fact that the internal investigation of the Ertzaintza began almost six months ago and the response to the parliamentary group indicates that it does not appear that it will do so until there are "new signs or evidence" demonstrating a "hypothetical" attack.

Zupiria, for his part, has affirmed that he feels "wholeheartedly" the suffering suffered by the hincha, although he regretted "the confused information published that has not helped clarify what happened".