Letter from the mayors of Zumaia, Getaria, Zestoa and Aizarnazabal to Osakidetza
  • According to reports, "Osakidetza has hired a person who does not know Euskera to meet the needs generated in the health centers of these four localities". The contract is for one year, but with option to extend. They have asked the public institution to ensure compliance with the duty of bilingual medical care "to respect the linguistic rights of users".
Baleike @baleike 2019ko uztailaren 08a

Four mayors of Urola Kosta have sent a letter to Osakidetza, who has hired a doctor who is not familiar with the Basque Country to work in the health centers of these four municipalities. The signatories are Mayors Iñaki Ostolaza (Zumaia), Haritz Alberdi (Getaria), Mikel Arrangi (Zestoa) and Mari Karmen Arrangi (Aizarnazabal). The letter has also been signed by the President of the Commonwealth of Basque Municipalities, Josu Labaka Uema.

They have asked Osakidetza to put a bilingual doctor “to respect the linguistic rights of users.” They have pointed out that in these municipalities more than 80% of the population is Euskaldun and have described as "very serious" that linguistic conditions have not been applied to this job. The aforementioned professional has been hired by Osakidetza for one year to meet the needs generated in the four health centers and the contract can be extended.

Read the full letter:

Letter from four mayors from Urola Kosta to Osakidetza