  • Holes can be the window of what we don't know. If we realize, the holes make us a great mystery. When we see a hole, we always want to look at it to see what's inside, and when you don't see the inside, we try to throw something that we have at hand to measure depth.
Aritz Díez 2019ko abenduaren 02a

We studied the object that we launched to find other things. Depending on what we're going to wear, the sound will tell us what's on the outsole or what it's like. And when the sound of that blow reaches our ears, fantasies begin.

“What will be inside that black?” How long does it take there?

The holes allow us a lot of possibilities. We can look through a hole without being seen. But you have to be careful about what you see, because oftentimes it's not what we expected. It crosses our gazes, but what happens on the other side, or those who do, don't know they're being studied. So you can see enormous things that you would never imagine. So terrible they are, that, as Chejov described, if we look carefully, we can see ourselves through a hole. Maybe that's why we don't want to look at it many times.

The holes allow us a lot of possibilities. We can look through a hole without being seen. But you have to be careful about what you see, because oftentimes it's not what we expected.

Curiosity, fear… They all take us to them, as if they had a force of gravity. But this stimulus doesn't have the same effect on everyone.

Many times, creatures, when they don't feel spied, take advantage of their holes to put their iniquities, so that the land where they put things that they want to be forgotten covers them with their shame.

The statue I live in is completely watered down. From one end to the other. It was the mass grave. Every gap holds a profound story. Many people want to open holes to strengthen the wounds of the past, because they believe that by discovering what's inside, they will be able to close that black chapter of the family.

However, rejecting the stimulus I've described before, and without that curiosity to be born that corresponds to being, there are people who don't want to open those holes. In addition, they refuse to open. Curious.

Maybe you don't want to open them because you know what's inside.

Maybe what's inside is known, because they threw it in.