Tragedies and criminals of trees
  • Here's my curse: the very attitude of society that is currently spreading about dealing with animals about these crimes that are committed with plants.
Jakoba Errekondo 2021eko azaroaren 01
Zumaiako Erkibe etxeko kimaketa, udalaren aginduz, agi danean, 2021eko urriaren 26an. Platanoak hosto betean zirelarik... Argazkia: Baleike.

A friend of Málaga in Spain always expresses the same, repeating the phrase that was put on the lips of Don Quixote de la Mancha: “We have met the Church.” They use this expression when it is very difficult or impossible to pronounce and decipher, for almost as many opinions about the Church as about it.

The same is true of trees and trees. Everyone knows and gives their opinion on the trees and especially on their pruning. Once in Itsasondo, in a small park on the edge of the road, some trees and trees suffered serious damage when carrying out some work on the road. There we went, an engineer in charge of the works and I, on behalf of the City Hall, to examine the damage and to agree on what to do. Of course, he was an engineer, and he knew that those “poor trees” could turn the serious wounds around and recover from them. A sluggish! How could I think of comparing the tree with the neighboring road, not even with a road sign! That was the important thing, the road! And of course, I wasn't willing to admit that any of those trees would be hurt, let alone put money to repair it. Fucking sluggish!

There are a lot of engineers on the shores. Too much for good. And let's tread trees: cement, iron, steel, plastics, any matter and material deserves more care than the living and vivifying tree. We cannot realise that trees are a valuable asset. It also generates profit balance: CO2 absorbers and the like, enriching biodiversity, devastating and shaders, keeping water and avoiding natural disasters, revaluing homes and improving people's physical and mental health. Maybe that's why they collide with trees, everywhere and everywhere, because they're dusty, crazy.

Topical pruning and bad practices developed in trees, which develop from our towns and cities to the last corner of the current mountain range, should be excluded from their management. Delete completely.

The attitudes of those who, turning to ignorant politicians and not wanting to know anything to justify these crimes supposedly pursued by specialists, are dire. We are living in a tragedy: the mass destruction of one of our greatest assets. Yes, then we oppose the incinerator, the APR is bad, climate change will drown us, etc.

Well, here's my curse: the very attitude of society that is now spreading about dealing with animals about those crimes that are committed with plants. In the future, cut it off and cut it off, all of you who are slashing your hands with the sweat of the plants will know, your daughter will remind you: you were criminals. We are experiencing a tragedy. We'll also see the lap.