Ezker Anitza will transfer to the European Parliament the situation of the Zubieta incinerator
  • Following the failure of the transformer of the incinerator plant, the Ancus-SOS association has denounced that the waste is being burned in Zubieta without generating energy. For Ezker Anitza, IU, this shows that the Gipuzkoa Environmental Centre is a “bluf” that will bring the issue to the European Parliament.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2022ko irailaren 15
Erraustegiak hondakinak erre baino ditu egiten, energia sortu beharrean, GuraSOSek emandako datuen arabera (argazkiak: GuraSOS)

As a result of a “definitive” breakdown in the transformer of the Zubieta incinerator plant since last April, the infrastructure does not generate the necessary energy required by the regulation. As the AnclSOS association reported on Wednesday, the provisional replacement transformer only produces one quarter of the expected energy, from 24 MW to 6 MW, and is a “testimonial” amount according to this association. This fact only increases the shadows of energy efficiency in the incinerators’ environment, as happened before in Zabalgarbi.

Ezker Anitza has announced that he will move the matter to the European Parliament so that “they know the operating reality of the incineration plant, decide whether or not the plant complies with European regulations and take action in this regard”.

This political force has recalled that European legislation requires the incinerator to generate energy and not only burn waste, but also considers the so-called Gipuzkoa Environmental Centre to be a “bluf” that “only generates environmental problems”.

As responsible for the “proper functioning” of this facility is the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Ezker Anitza requested in July resignations from the GHK Director and the Environment Deputy for failure to comply with the Waste Law and for not intervening in these problems.

The energy generated by the Zubieta incinerator is currently "testimonial".


PRESIDENT. — The next item is the report (Doc.

The director general of the GHK consortium managed by the incinerator on Friday, Cesar Gimeno, and the heads of Ekondakin and Ekobal, responsible for the 5th Criminal Consortium of Donostia. He shall be declared in the Examining Court as charged in connection with the dumping in May 2020 in the stream Arkaitzerreka which runs under Zubieta, as explained by AnclSOS, submitted as an indictment.