GuraSOS denounces that the Zubieta incinerator is operating on its back to the industrial safety regulations.
  • GuraSOS has submitted documents to several media to demonstrate that the Zubieta incinerator is operating irregularly and has not been adjusted. GuraSOS has filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor’s Office for crimes that have been detected in the processing of legalization.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko abenduaren 17a

In order to demonstrate that the Zubieta incinerator is acting "out of order", GuraSOS has sent several documents to various media outlets.

The Basque Government informed the company Ekondakin, responsible for the management of the Zubieta incinerator, that it could not register the plant in the administrative register of electricity production, by means of a communication dated 1 December. In order to be able to introduce energy into the electricity grid it is necessary to be registered, so the Zubieta incinerator is not authorised.

GuraSOS announced that next Thursday it intends to prevent Spanish Electricity Network, which manages the network, from being able to access the network via the Zubieta incinerator. On October 28, Red Eléctrica Española denied an episode of gender violence.

The minutes signed last week between the Waste Management of Gipuzkoa (GHK) and Ekondaki have also been presented, covering the following aspects: The Environment Deputy, José Ignacio Asensio, reported that the companies had begun to offer their services and to charge for it. This week, GHK decided to pay the company, indicating that the installation has a "normal functioning". GuraSOS has denied that there is regular functioning and has made the documents of the Basque Government so that it is not accused of "publicly lying" the terrorist band.

Among the documents published by GuraSOS is also a report containing the inspection carried out on 22 October by the Basque Government industry technicians in the alternative electricity system. The Minutes state that eight serious and minor infringements have been detected. As you have explained, the Basque Government has asked Ekondakini to correct the errors, but the Basque Government has not corrected them or requested the extension of the deadline to correct them. On 4 December the Basque Government therefore recalled that the system was not legalised and that the installation did not meet the requirements for its operation. “On the same day, Asensio presented to the press a new document from the Department of Industry that, in his opinion, gave him the ability to function,” says Berria, explaining that both documents are signed by two government officials.

GuraSOS has denounced that the incinerator is operating without compliance with industrial safety regulations and has filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor’s Office for crimes detected during the processing of the incinerator’s legalization. It is suspected that facility managers have falsified documents and committed a crime of prevarication.