Protest tour against the transformation of the old Zuberoa railway on the road
  • The march organised by the ‘Les Voix du Saison’ group was held on 17 June and an alternative road project has been called for.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko ekainaren 20a
Larunbateko ibilaldi protesta. Argazkia: Xiberoko botza.

In order to denounce that the Department plans to build a road on the former Zubera railway, on 17 June they went out to protest called by the collective 'Le Voix du Saison'. They point out that the road to be built would cause direct damage to soil, safety and the environment.

At 10:30 from Maule Station, at 11:00 in Bildoz, at 11:30 from Onizepi and at noon the City Hall of Espeiz. Citizenship has been added throughout the journey, Live! similar movements

They warn of the damage and insecurity of the environment and the innecessity of the road. They say it would also involve crop damage because the Department should buy farmland

The ‘Le Voix du Saison’ group proposes an alternative project: Securing the RD11 vial and creating a green track on the old railway. As the newspaper has gathered, citizens already use the way to do sport or bike, although they are not prepared for it.