The ikastolas of Zuberoa are 50 years old
  • In September the two ikastolas of Zuberoa will be half a century: Ikastola Eperra de Sohdu and Basabürüko de Aloz. To mark this anniversary, different initiatives have been prepared for the next course.
2022ko abuztuaren 30
Argazkilaria: Basabürüko ikastola

Seaska has been 50 years old in Zuberoa deepening into a immersion model centered in the Basque country, based on the associative movement and participation. Eperrak and Basabürük have made a great journey and currently have 111 students.

The two ikastolas will take a space for the celebration in the course 2022-2023 and will launch different initiatives, as they have said in Kazeta: festival, exhibition of photos and documents, a book, thanks and tribute to those who have accompanied the ikastola, bring together those who have passed through the school, projection of the film Nortazünak, which follows the eight-year trajectory of a group of students...