Sentenced to one year ' s imprisonment for continuing to rape a minor nephew for one year
  • The event took place in a town in the northern part of Navarre, where the victim lived with his wife and aggressor. The young woman was first raped at the age of 17 by the defendant, and sexual assaults continued for another year. The victim has reported the entire event at the age of 23.
Julene Flamarique 2024ko urriaren 21
Nafarroako Justizia Auzitegi Gorena

The Chamber of Civil and Criminal Affairs of the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra (TSJN) confirmed it and the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra has now confirmed the conviction of 8 years. This case has been collected in the Diario de Noticias de Navarra, which has arrested a man for sexually abusing his niece, under age, in a town in the north of Navarra. According to the judgment, the defendant will have to compensate the complainant for EUR 20,000 and will not be able to approach or communicate with him for 13 years. It must also comply with the probation measure which, after 6 years of deprivation of liberty, it must carry out.

The defendant is a boyfriend of his father's sister and the victim went to live with them in 2013, at the age of 15, after the separation of his father and his partner. The defendant and his wife were the only family link maintained by the complainant in the territory of Navarra. For this reason, the court has ratified that sexual abuse was committed with an aggravating superiority as a result of family coexistence and the special situation of vulnerability arising from the age difference (victim). The victim, aged between 16 and 17, reported the events at 23 years of age.

The relationship between the victim and his name was getting worse. So the defendant confessed to him that he wanted to have sex with him, but told him he would wait for 17 years for everything to be legal. However, she raped her shortly before she was 17, and the girl protested "screaming" and "crying." The events occurred in January 2015 and until next July, the ruling found that "every time they were alone at home, the defendant forced their nephew to have sexual intercourse." She then forced her to do fellings between August and September.

In the words of the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra, “the defendant committed these abuses against the will of the young man, knowing that between the two there was a relationship of power and the situation in which they were in. The defendant and her partner were housed in the family home, and the young woman had no more space in the home. The defendant, frightened by being a partner of his aunt and not counting on his collaboration, did not dare to report what had happened or ask for help because of the bad relationship they maintained at that time. Nor did it count on the help of any relative”.

Later, the victim reported what happened to several people when he left the home of his aunt and his defendant. The Supreme has stressed that the young man received an unexpected visit from his uncles in the center where he studied and ran away with an anxiety attack. Then he told a colleague that her uncle had raped her for a year. He also reported the assaults on her father's former partner, who "had started to cry and get his words out".