Eight people have been arrested during the Monday police operation in the Soriana capital, in connection with the fascist attack on the 44-year-old Donostia Ion Aranburu on 27 May in Soria. This is a police operation coordinated by the General Information Commission in Madrid, but they do not add more data because the operation is open and the detainees are waiting to be handed over to the judge. Some of the eight detainees are part of the ultra group “Numantino Pride”. The Journal of Soria has pointed out that, in addition to the detainees, they have investigated other persons in connection with this fact and that further arrests are not excluded.
The Gipuzkoan press reports that the Donostia does not remember what happened to him on May 27 because the blows on his head left him unconscious. The match took place two hours before the match between Numancia and Cornella, in a bar located a few meters from the football field. According to official witnesses, the attack was carried out by some 70-80 fascists from Soria, Zaragoza and Madrid. They therefore stress that it was a “prepared and organised” fascist attack.
The Donostia suffered a cranial and ear fracture, as well as several hematomas. So they went into a coma and took him to the Hospital of Burgos. On June 23 he was transferred to the ICU of Donostia Hospital, where he remained for several weeks until he was able to leave the coma and return home. During this time there were numerous protests in the Guipuzkoan capital to condemn the fascist attack suffered by Aranburu.