International Press Freedom Day
Eight journalists have already been killed this year for their work
  • According to the World Press Freedom Index of 2023, the journalism environment is "bad" in seven out of ten countries of the world, highlighting the consequences of false content on press freedom. Eight journalists have been killed around the world in 2023, there are hundreds arrested, and last year 85 professionals died.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko maiatzaren 03a
Bogdan Bitik, Pal Kola, Dylan Lyons, John Williams Ntwali, Hosein Naderi, Jean-Jaques Ola Bebe, Martinez Zogo, eta Shashikant Warishe.

According to data from the INSI News Security Organization and the Safety of Journalists platform, eight journalists have been killed worldwide since January: Bogdan Biti (Ukraine), Hosein Naderi (Afghanistan), Dylan Lyons (United States), Shashikant Ishe (Jean).

Safety of Journalist has been collecting information since 2015 on serious concerns about media freedom and the security of journalists. According to him, there are currently 153 journalists imprisoned in Europe. Among them is the Basque journalist Pablo González.

To report it they call at 19:30 hours in Plaza Mercurio de Gernika.

The number of journalists killed in 2022 increased by 18.8%

Last year, 85 journalists were killed around the world. Thirteen of them in Europe (twelve in Ukraine and one in Turkey). According to Journalists Without Borders, the number of journalists killed in 2022 rose by 18.8% and said the Ukrainian war has helped increase the number of journalists killed outside their country of origin.

Journalists Without Borders have today published an updated map of freedom of expression.

The journalism environment is "bad" in seven out of ten countries

Europapress reported that the 2023 World Press Freedom Index assesses the journalistic environment of 180 countries. The journalism environment is “bad” in seven out of ten countries and “good” in only three.

The index highlights the press freedom consequences of the industry's false content of the digital ecosystem. The majority of those surveyed by the Index in 118 countries have announced that political agents in their countries are involved in massive campaigns of disinformation or propaganda. Therefore, he stresses that the difference between the true and the false is blurring, violating the right to information.